
Anu P. Alex
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering
- M. E in Transportation Engineering & Management
- Ph.D in Transportation Planning
Previous Experience/Positions held
- Research experience in NATPAC as Scientist for 4 years
- Teaching experience for 16 years
Areas of Interest:
- Transportation planning
- Behavioural modelling
Courses Handled
- Introduction to civil engineering
- Transportation engineering
- Geomatics
- Computer programming and numerical methods
- Advanced travel demand modelling
- Transportation economics and appraisal
- Fluid mechanics
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Urban planning and architecture
- Construction management
- Site surveying and analysis
- Probability and Statistics
- Geoinformatics in Transportation Engineering
- Programming in C
Mahesh Chand, Anu P. Alex , Analysis of accident causative factors using time dependent accident data, Indian Highways, October 2005.
Mahesh Chand, Anu P. Alex , A comparative analysis of accident risks of States in India, Highway Research Bulletin, July 2007.
Mahesh Chand, Anu P. Alex , Traffic Noise Prediction Modeling and Analysis for Thiruvananthapuram City, Indian Highways, March 2010.
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. Saraswathy , Kuncheria P. Isaac, Modelling Of Daily Activity Schedule Of Workers Using Unsupervised Machine Learning Technique, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, Vol. 6. No. 1, 2016, pp : 77 – 91.
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. Saraswathy , Kuncheria P. Isaac, Latent variable Enriched Mode Choice Models for Work Activity in Multi Modal Condition Prevalent in India, International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, Vol. 6. No. 4, 2016, pg: 378 – 389
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. Saraswathy , Kuncheria P. Isaac, Modelling of Travel Behaviour of Students using Artificial Intelligence, Archives of Transport, Vol. 51. Issue 3, 2019, pg: 7 – 19. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0013.6159
Shilpa Pulinkave Variyam, Anu Plavara Alex , Manju Vasudevan Saraswathy, Shaheem Shahul Hameed, Trip assignment modelling for an indian city to assess the benefits of proposing ring roads. International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering, 2020, 10(1): 69 – 80. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.7708/ijtte.2020.10(1).07
Jinit J. M. D'Cruz, Anu P. Alex, V. S. Manju, Leema Peter, Impact assessment of short-term management measures on travel demand , Archives of Transport, Vol. 53. Issue 1, 2020, pg: 37 – 52. DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.1743
Mohandas, P., Saraswathy, M.V. & Alex, A.P. Development of an Algorithm for Bus Routing and Tracking for an Educational Institution: A Case Study. Journal of Institution of Engineers India Series A (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-020-00493-x
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. S., Kuncheria P. Isaac, Modelling of Activity-Travel Pattern with Support Vector Machine, European Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2021) Issue 82, Paper n° 2, ISSN 1825-3997. https://doi.org/10.48295/ET.2021.82.2
D'cruz, J.J.M., Alex, A.P., Manju, V.S., (2022). Mode choice analysis of school trips using random forest technique. Archives of Transport, 63(3), 39-48. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5604/01.3001.0015.9175
Alex, A. P., Manju V S, Hima V, Leema Peter (2022), Assessment of Sustainable Mobility Indicators for an Emerging Satellite City in India, Environment, Development and Sustainability https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-022-02466-5
Gopika Vinayakumar , Anu P Alex, Manju V. S., “A comparison of KNN Algorithm and MNL model for mode choice modelling”, European Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2023) Issue 92, Paper n° 3, ISSN 1825-3997. https://doi.org/10.48295/ET.2023.92.3
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. Saraswathy , Kuncheria P. Isaac, Development Of Non Mandatory Activity Generation Model System Of Non Workers Using Artificial Neural Network, presented and published in the 27 th ARRB Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2016
Anu P. Alex, Dr. Manju V. S., Suji R. Chandran,“A Nuero – Fuzzy Approach to Route Choice Modelling”, International Conference on Computing, Technology and Engineering (ICCTE 2013) held at Dubai 11-12, March 2013.
Anu P. Alex, Dr. Manju V. S., Dr. Kuncheria P. Isaac, “Generation of Synthetic Population for Thiruvananthapuram City”, 2 nd Conference on Transportation System Engineering and Management (CTSEM), May 2015 held at NIT Thiruchirappalli.
Anu P. Alex , Prinsha T., Manju V. S. , “Generation of Synthetic Population Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation method ”, Fourth International Conference on Recent Trends in Transportation, Environmental and Civil Engineering – December TECE2015, Kochi
Anu P. Alex, Saranya Ullas "Performance Evaluation of Pavements in Kottayam City ", International Conference on Recent Innovations in Technology (ICRIT 2012) held at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, January 2012.
Samson Mathew, Anu P. Alex, “ Travel and Mode Choice Behaviour of Trip Makers – A Comparative Study between Kerala & Tamil Nadu” , National Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering: Perspectives of Developing Countries (ACEDEC 2003) held at Harcourt Butler Technological Institute, Kanpur.
Mahesh Chand, Anu P. Alex “Safe Design of Intersections through Road Safety Auditing'' , National conference “START-2005” ,IIT Kharagpur, December 2004
Mahesh Chand, Anu P. Alex “Identification of Accident Factors by using Time Dependent Accident Data '' (Co-author), Kerala Science Congress-XVII, January 2005
Anu P. Alex "Vulnerable Road Users - An action plan for safety ", National Conference on Focussing on Advances in Civil Engineering (FACE 08) held at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, February 2008.
Anu P. Alex, Amina Salim Padiyath “Traffic Improvement Plan For Kottayam City – Proposal and Economic Evaluation of Fly over'' , Kerala Science Congress-XXI, January 2009
Anu P. Alex "Proposal and Economic Feasibility Study of Fly over for Kottayam City ", National Conference on recent Innovations in Technology (NCRIT 2009) held at Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, March 2009.
Anu P. Alex, Saranya Ullas "Performance Evaluation of Pavements by Visual Rating – A Case Study ”, International Conference on Modeling & Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC2011) held at TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, December 2011.
Anu P. Alex, Dr. Manju V. S., Suji R. Chandran,“A Nuero – Fuzzy Approach to Route Choice Modelling”, International Conference on Computing, Technology and Engineering (ICCTE 2013) held at Dubai 11-12, March 2013.
Deepa M. J., Anu P. Alex, Manju V. S., Dr. Kuncheria P. Isaac, “A Binary Logistic Model to Predict Work Trips”, 14th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT 2013) College of Engineering Trivandrum, August 2013.
Bhageerathi K. P., Anu P. Alex, Manju V. S., Raji A. K., “Utilisation of Medical Plastic Waste in Road Construction”, National Conference on Changing Climatic Scenario and Sustainable Resource Management (CSSR 2014), 17-19 January 2014, NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad.
Varun V., Anu P. Alex, “Identification of Latent Variables affecting the Mode Choice for Working Trips in Trivandrum City”, National Conference on Technological Trends-2014, August 2014, College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Eldho Paulose, Anu P. Alex, Crosswalk Speed Modelling for High Walkability Index Areas in Trivandrum City, National Conference on Technological Trends-2014, August 2014, College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Prinsha T., Anu P. Alex, Manju V. S. “Generation of synthetic population using Beckman's method ”, National Conference on Technological Trends- 2015, College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Anu P. Alex , Anoop Sreedhar., Manju V. S “Development of Informal Activity generation model system for Thiruvanathapurm city ”, National Conference on Technological Trends- 2015, College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. Saraswathy , Kuncheria P. Isaac, Development Of Non Mandatory Activity Generation Model System Of Non Workers Using Artificial Neural Network, presented and published in the 27 th ARRB Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2016
Anu P. R., Anu P. Alex, ‘Development of Mode Choice Model for Work Trips in Thiruvananthapuram City', National Conference on Technological Trends- 2016, CET
Benit Philipose, Anu P. Alex, ‘Development of Route Choice Model Using Quantum Theory', National Conference on Technological Trends- 2017, CET
Abhilasha Santhosh Kumar, Dr. Anu P Alex, Dr. Manju V S and Gopika Vinayakumar. “Determination of Level of Service of pedestrian facilities-A case study”, 7 th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg: 62-65.
Swetha C V, Dr. Manju V S, Dr. Anu Alex and Leema Peter. ”Estimation Of Accessibility By Non – Motorised Transportation Using GIS”, 7 Th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg:75-77
Cijin Jayakumar, Dr. Manju V S, Dr. Anu P Alex and Dr. Leema Peter. “Modelling Of Pollutants – A Case Study” 7 Th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg 78-82
Gauri Nair, Devi Priya B, Theerdha B S, Varsha B, Dr. Anu P Alex, Dr. Manju V S “Emission Inventory At Kazhakuttom Using GIS”. 7 Th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg 71-74
Rawdha Assainar, Anu P Alex, Manju V S, “Mode Choice Behaviour of Intercity Travel During COVID-19”, International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems, IMPACTS 2023, at College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Rawdha Assainar, Anu P Alex, Manju V S, “Estimation of OD matrix from traffic count by integrating CUBE and genetic algorithm”, International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems, IMPACTS 2023, at College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Shahanaz S T, Anu P Alex, Manju V S, “Quantification of transportation disadvantage using GIS – A case study”, International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems, IMPACTS 2023, at College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Harshana V P, Anu P Alex, Manju V S, “Modelling of parking type choice behavior: A case study”, International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems, IMPACTS 2023, at College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Anusree A, Anu P Alex, Manju V S, “Influence of city circle bus service on demand for para transit”, International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems, IMPACTS 2023, at College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Anaghakrishna A., Dev Shankar H., Akshay B B., Kavyalakshmi S., Anu P Alex, Manju V S, “Quantification of transportation disadvantage using GIS – A case study”, International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems, IMPACTS 2023, at College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Anu P. Alex , Manju V. Saraswathy , Kuncheria P. Isaac, Development Of Non Mandatory Activity Generation Model System Of Non Workers Using Artificial Neural Network, presented and published in the 27 th ARRB Conference, Melbourne, Australia, Nov 2016
Anu P. R., Anu P. Alex, ‘Development of Mode Choice Model for Work Trips in Thiruvananthapuram City', National Conference on Technological Trends- 2016, CET
Benit Philipose, Anu P. Alex, ‘Development of Route Choice Model Using Quantum Theory', National Conference on Technological Trends- 2017, CET
Abhilasha Santhosh Kumar, Dr. Anu P Alex, Dr. Manju V S and Gopika Vinayakumar. “Determination of Level of Service of pedestrian facilities-A case study”, 7 th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg: 62-65.
Swetha C V, Dr. Manju V S, Dr. Anu Alex and Leema Peter. ”Estimation Of Accessibility By Non – Motorised Transportation Using GIS”, 7 Th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg:75-77
Cijin Jayakumar, Dr. Manju V S, Dr. Anu P Alex and Dr. Leema Peter. “Modelling Of Pollutants – A Case Study” 7 Th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg 78-82
Gauri Nair, Devi Priya B, Theerdha B S, Varsha B, Dr. Anu P Alex, Dr. Manju V S “Emission Inventory At Kazhakuttom Using GIS”. 7 Th Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and Management, December 2020. Pg 71-74
Other Responsibilities held:
- Staff Advisor (2009-2011)
- Staff Advisor (2015-2019)
- Staff Advisor (2020-22)
- Staff Advisor (2023-25)
- Member of time table committee
- Lab in Charge: Computational lab, Survey lab
- TRC Coordinator
- Coordinator of IIRS-ISRO outreach programme
Other Academic Activities
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