Indian Concrete Institute is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organisations involved in Concrete. The ICI was constituted in 1982 with around 500 members from 5 regional Centres and as of today ICI is a strong professional body having more than 12, 000 enrolled members, from 38 regional Centres in all major cities, spread across the entire length and breadth of the country.ICI works in close coordination with various Central and State Government Bodies like CPWD, PWDs, Municipal Corporation etc., for the adoption of Latest Technologies and practices in Infrastructure Building apart from conducting varieties of programs like Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Exhibitions, etc. in the area of concrete.
The ICI chapter in CET organises various notable events throughout the year, aiming to bridge the gap between books and the field for the students. The chapter has bagged various prestigious awards including the Best Student Chapter award by The Ultra Tech Group, ICIAnnual Awards 2018 etc.
The Indian National Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering established in 1948. In 1970 the name Indian Geotechnical Society (IGS) was adopted. The society is affiliated to International Society from its inception. The First chapter in Kerala was formed in the year 2009. To promote closer interaction amongst geotechnical engineers spread all over the country, local chapters of the Society were introduced in 1968. IGS Thiruvananthapuram chapter is functioning under the leadership of chairman Dr. Krishnan Balan and Hon. Secretary Dr. N. Unnikrishnan. In order to motivate students to give exposure to careers and opportunities in this area and also develop leadership skills among students which will help them in their career. Student chapters provide an opportunity for Bachelor Degree students of 2nd, 3rd and 4th year in Civil Engineering and Master's Degree students of Geotechnical Engineering program. Activities such as seminars/workshops/lectures conducted by student chapters under the guidance of faculty coordinators from the Institutions/colleges and the members of local chapters will significantly help the student community. Thus students' chapters under IGS Thiruvananthapuram have been inaugurated officially on the 2nd Biennial Commemorative lecture in memory of Prof. T.S. Ramanatha Ayyar on 17.02.2018.
The IGS-CET students chapter has the following key personnel:
This interdisiplinary technical chapter for CET students is under ISNT Trivandrum chapter.
The faculty and student coordinators are from Civil and Mechanical Engg. Departments of CET.
Staff co-ordinators
Dr. Bindhu K.R. (Civil Engg Department)
Dr. Yashida Nadir (Civil Engg Department)
Prof. Sasi N. (Mechanical Engg Department)
Student co-ordinators
Senthil P Mathew (Civil Engg Department)
Pawan Jose (Civil Engg Department)
Yadu Krishnan (Mechanical Engg Department)
No. of members including UG and PG disciplines: 150. This chapter was inaugurated in 17 th August 2017.
The following programmes were conducted in CET on behalf of this chapter.
Develop students with technical and leadership skills that would enable them to transform into full-fledged civil engineers to serve the society
To impart students with the technical know how on the fields of emerging technologies and new developments in professional practices
To imbibe ethical, social and environmental perspectives in their field of work
To develop creativity, leadership skills and interpersonal skills
GOAL 1: Encourage all students to join the ASCE Student Chapter and thereby create opportunities for them to connect with the civil engineering fraternity around the world
Encourage students to participate in forums and organise events where they can interact with civil engineering professionals and researchers around the world
GOAL 2: Impart the members with the skill and knowledge needed to contribute to academic and industrial research in engineering and allied disciplines
Identify strengths and weaknesses of the students and give them opportunities to build on their strengths and overcome weaknesses so as to preform well in their career
GOAL 3: Provide appropriate, sustainable and affordable solutions with society concerns
Organize activities where students will understand the ground realities and focus their efforts in serving the society
Neethu Suresh, M.Tech student in Geoinformatics engineering handled a session as part of the initiative of ASCE CET STUDENTS CHAPTER on the topic "Exploring the world from above: A beginners guide to Remote sensing and Geographic Information System” during 22/08/2024 at 4:00 PM in Seminar hall 1, CE1 block