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Technology Business Incubator (TBI)
The socio-cultural changes in the state shows high demand among the students of the institution to pursue innovation based entrepreneurial carriers. This requires considerable reorientation of the teaching methodology aimed at innovation and entrepreneurship.In this context it was decided to establish a Technology Business Incubator (TBI) as an important facility of CET.
Facilities Provided to Incubates
CET-TBI provides one Desktop computer, network facility, printing and copying facility, shared conference room, a comprehensive interactive atmosphere to create a professional business atmosphere along with the technical back up from the faculty expertise and the laboratory facilities to the incubated companies. As per the project approval for CET-TBI by the National Science Technology and Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB), the infrastructure for the incubated companies has to be provided by the host institution. CET-TBI has identified cubicle space for a few initial incubation. The required furniture and office equipment have been acquired and installed from the fund of NSTEDB, Govt. of India. The furnishing of the incubation space, air conditioning and networking, etc., have been carried out by the income generated by the CET for TBI activities.
CET provides the following services to the entrepreneurs working in the CET-TBI
- Manpower, Infrastructure and Office Support
- Training and Information support
- Strategic Planning and Business Development
TrEST Research Park
TREST Research Park has been envisaged as a State level sponsored scheme to leverage the talent and expertise available in the University/Academic Institutions. The Research Park assists companies with a research focus to set up a base in the park. The coming together of the Corporate R & D, the faculty and students of CET will increase the probability of successful innovation. It provides an environment that encourages technology development, commercialization and also provides research and educational opportunities.
The Govt. of Kerala has given the consent for the formulation of the TrEST during the year 2013. The registration of the TrEST as section 25 Company with the registered Share holders was granted in 2014 and the process is complete with the Registrar of Companies, Govt. of India.
One company named EnGen dealers and Consultants Private Ltd have already registered in TrEST Park. Two other companies have approached the park, one of them is Enviornmental Engineers International Pty Ltd and the other is to develop a rotary internal combustion engine. They were given temporary sanction to associate with the park, the registration is pending.
Subjects Taught
- Geotechnical Engg.
- Quantity Surveying & valuation
- Expansive soil
- Ground Improvement
- Basic Civil Engineering
- Introduction to Civil Engineering
- Mechanics of Solids
- Surveying & Leveling
International journals
- Use of fibers for improving the engineering properties of expansive soil, Journal of natural fibers, 5(1), 61-75, 2008
- Structural Performance of coir geotextile reinforced Rural Roads, Int. journal of scientific & Engg. Research, Vol.5 Issue 7, July 2014., pp 278 - 282
- Coir geotextiles on paved roads: A laboratory and field study using non-plastic soil as subgrade , Journal of natural fibers (Accepted)
International conference
- Bioenzyme stabilisation of Kaolinitic clay, IMMM 2017
- Study on the Performance of Coir Geotextile Reinforced Flexible Pavements" GIP 2017, IGS TVM Chapter
- Field Performance of Coir Geotextile reinforced flexible pavements" 6 th Asian Regional conference on geosynthetics, New Delhi 2016
- Experimental study on use of Composite Material as reinforcement on unpaved test sections, International conference on Soil and Environment 2016, Bangalore
- Rural Roads with coir geotextile -A performane Appraisal, International symposium on Geosynthetics -The Road Ahead, 2015 ,New Delhi
- Performance of coir geotextiles on unpaved roads, International conference on Sustainable Civil Infrastructure-2014, Hyderabad
- Structural Performance of Coir geotextile in reinforced roads, IMMM 2014, CET, Kerala
- Functional Performance of Coir geotextile reinforced roads, IMMM 2014, CET, Kerala
- Stabilization of black cotton soil using lime gypsum mixture, IMMM 2010, CET, Kerala
- Study of compaction and CBR characteristics of coir fiber reinforced clay, IMMM 2010
National Conferences
- Remediation of lead contaminated soil using Olivine, IGC 2018, Bangalore
- Effect of bioenzyme chemical stabiliser mixture on improving the subgrade properties, IGC 2018.
- Performance evaluation and modified CBR prediction of coir geotextile reinforced pavement using abaqus, IGC 2018
- Utilization of Olivine for Improving the Properties of Clayey Soil, National conference on innovations in Civil Engineering 2018.
- Enhancing the performance of collapsible costal alluvial soil by polyurathine, National conference on innovations in Civil Engineering, 2018
- Remediation of heavy metal contaminated soil using Olivine, NCTT 2018.
- Experimental and Analytical studies on the performance of unpaved road model sections" NCTT 2016
- Efficacy of use of coir geotextiles on unpaved road sections, NCTT 2015.
- Effect of natural geotextiles on paved and unpaved road models, IGC 2015
- Load penetration characteristics of reinforced road models, IGC 2015
- Performance Evaluation of soaked and unsoaked unpaved road sections, NCTT 2014
- Effect of coir geotextiles on the bearing capacity of unpaved roads, NCTT 2013
- Behaviour of black cotton soil reinforced with coir fiber, NCTT 2013.
- Experimental investigation on Woven coir geotextile reinforced unpaved road" National conference 2012, Cusat
- Stabilisation of silty sand using flyash and coir fiber, ICGE 2012, Trichure
- Experimental investigation on coir geotextile reinforced subgrade, IGC 2012
- Improving the bearing capacity of lateritic subgrade using coir geotextile Proc.of NCTT 2012
- Compaction and strength characteristics of soil composites, IGC 2011
- Effect of Polypropelene fibre and lime admixture on Engg. Properties of Expansive soil, IGC 2011
- Behaviour of lime stabilised black cotton soil reinforced with banana fiber, NCTT 2011
- Effect of geosynthetic reinforcement on clay, NATCON 2011
- Behaviour of black cotton soil reinforced with sisal fiber, NCTT 2009
Other Responsibilities held:
- Staff advisor 2011-2014
- Time Table duty 2015 to 2017
- Staff advisor MTech Geotechnical Engineering 2017-2019
- Co investigator of the project "Performance evaluation of coir geotextiles in rural roads of Kerala" funded by Coir board, Government of India
Other Academic Activities