
Dr. Arun S
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Mobile: +919447890286
Email: aruns@cet.ac.in
- Ph.D. in Structural Engineering
- M.Tech. in Structural Engineering
- B.Tech. in Civil Engineering
Previous Experience/Positions held
- Assistant Professor, Department of CE, RIT Kottayam - 2005 to 2006
- Assistant Professor, Department of CE, College of Engineering Trivandrum - 2006 to 2011
- Assistant Professor, Department of CE, Govt. Engg. College, Thrissur - 2011 to 2015
- Associate Professor (NC), Department of CE, GEC Thrissur - 2015 to 2021.
- Associate Professor (NC), Department of CE, CET - 2021 - till date.
Areas of Interest:
- Structural Dynamics
- Finite elements
- Reliability methods
- Vibration based damage detection
Courses Handled
P.G Courses :
- Mathematical Methods in Structural Engineering.
- Finite Element Analysis
- Structural Dynamics
- Structural Reliability
- Structural Stability
- Theory of Elasticity
U.G. Courses :
- Engineering Mechanics.
- Mechanics of Solids
- Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- Structural Analysis
- Structural Dynamics & Seismic Design
- Reinforced Concrete Design
- Design of Steel Structures
- Advanced Structural Design
- Computer Programming and Computational Techniques
- Computer Applications & Operations research
- Numerical Methods
Haneena Jasmine and S Arun (2021) Machine learning applications in structural engineering, Material Science and Engineering, 1114 (2021) 012012.
Haneena Jasmine and S. Arun (2023) Vibration Based Damage Detection using Localized Crack-type Damage Models and ANN, Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Volume 20, Issue 2.pp. 50-66.
S. Arun, D. Menon, A. Meher Prasad , Dynamic amplification factors for highway bridges, Journal of Structural Engineering, Oct-Nov 2013, pp .395-410.
S. Arun, D. Menon, A. Meher Prasad , Dynamic amplification factors for highway bridge design - A review of international code provisions , Journal of IRC, Jan- June 2012, 49-56
S . Arun, Devdas Menon, A. Meher Prasad (2014) HDMR Based Response Surfaces for Probabilistic Bridge-Vehicle Interaction Studies , Proceedings of 11 th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, Barcelona, Spain. Paper No. 2730. ISBN:978-84-942844-7-2
S. Arun, Devdas Menon, A. Meher Prasad (2014) A Numerical Model Including Bridge-Vehicle Interaction Effects for Probabilistic Assessment of Stress Spectrum in Highway Bridges , Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Bridge maintenance, safety and management, IABMAS, Shanghai China. pp-2277-2281, Taylor and Francis. ISBN 978-1-138-00103-9.
S. Arun, Devdas Menon, A. Meher Prasad (2011) Simulating the Dynamic Responses of Highway Bridges for Multiple Vehicle Presence Effects , Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (ICSEM 2011), Kandy, Srilanka.
S. Arun, A. Meher Prasad, Devdas Menon (2014) Efficient Computational Tools for Probabilistic Bridge Vehicle Interaction Studies, Proceedings of 5 th International congress on Computational Mechanics and Simulation, ICCMS 2014, India. I nvited Paper-09, ISBN 9789810911393
A. Meher Prasad, S. Arun , Devdas Menon (2013) Studies on Traffic Induced Dynamic Effects on Highway Bridges , Keynote paper, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering and Mechanics, NIT Rourkela, Dec 2013
A. Meher Prasad, S. Arun , Devdas Menon (2013) Investigations into Traffic Induced Dynamic Effects on Highway Bridges , Keynote paper, International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Chemistry of Innovative Materials (ACECIM '14), Chennai, Dec 2014.
S. Arun, A. Meher Prasad , Devdas Menon (2011) Influence of Approach Road Roughness on Dynamic Response of Highway Bridges , Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Materials and Techniques for Infrastructure Development (AMTID 2011) NIT Calicut June 2011.
S. Arun, A. Meher Prasad, Devdas Menon, (2010) Modelling Aspects of High Speed Railway Bridges for Capturing Dynamic Effects Induced by Train Movement , Proceedings of the Seventh Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2010); Chennai, 8-10, Dec 2010.
Sreeshna T.R., Satheesh Kumar , Nihala Mol V.T., S. Arun (2020) Exploring the Potential of Layered RC beams using Modified Engineered Cementitious Composites, 2 nd ASCE (India) Conference, IIEST, Shibpur, Kolkata 2020, ISBN 978-81-954551-0-2.
Aswin Ashok, Nasar T. and S. Arun (2020) Vibration based damage detection of Structures using Artificial Neural Networks, 2 nd ASCE (India), IIEST, Kolkata 2020, ISBN 978-81-954551-0-2.
Aswin Ashok and S . Arun (2019) Vibration based damage detection using Model Updating Techniques, Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable development (ITCSD 2019), NIT Warangal. ISBN 978-93-89354-46-l
Liya Jerard and S. Arun (2018) Dynamic Soil Parameter Identification Using Using Measured Vibration Response Data of Machine Foundations, Book chapter 7, CRC Press- Taylor and Francis eBook ISBN 9781351124140
P.V. Anjali, S. Arun (2007) Finite Element Formulation for Piezo-electric sandwich plates , Proceedings of National conference on technological trends, Trivandrum, Dec 2007.
S. Arun, Praveen Nagarajan, T.M. Madhavan Pillai and N. Ganesan (2004) Design of Deep Beams using IS 456 and Strut and Tie Method - A Comparison, National Conference on Recent Developments in Materials and Structures, REDEMAT-2004, NIT Calicut.
Other Responsibilities held:
- Asst. Lab-in-charge: Structural Engineering Laboratory, CET (from 2022)
- Faculty advisor: B.Tech 2021 admissions (CET)
- AICTE extension of approval committee member (GEC Thrissur from 2016-21)
- Member, Institute software procurement committee (GEC Thrissur, 2019-21)
- Member Department purchase committee (GEC Thrissur, 2018-21)
- Member, Interdisciplinary research Centre committee (GEC Thrissur, 2018-21)
- Structural design and coordinator for construction of Structural engineering laboratory block and test floor at GEC Thrissur (Budget. Rs. 4.5 Cr.)
- Lab-in-charge: CAD lab (GEC Thrissur, 2019-21)
Other Academic Activities
1.0 M. Tech Thesis Guidance
Vibration based Structural Damage Detection using Machine Learning Algorithms (Submitted to Department of CE, GEC Thrissur,2021)
Numerical studies on Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters Considering Bridge-Vehicle Interaction Effects (Submitted to Department of CE, GEC Thrissur,2021)
Vibration based Damage detection using Artificial Neural Networks (Joint Guidance with Dr. T. Nasar, NITK, Submitted to Department of Ocean Engineering, NITK, Suratkal, 2020)
Finite element formulation for modelling piezo-electric sandwich smart plates (Submitted to Department of CE, CET,2007)
2.0 U.G. Project Guidance
Estimation of girder distribution factors for highway bridges (GEC Thrissur, 2013)
Feasibility study on use of ceramic industrial waste in concrete manufacture (GEC Thrissur, 2013).
Analytical and experimental investigations on strength and serviceability characteristics of RC deep beams (GEC Thrissur, 2014)
Numerical studies on vibration based damage detection in civil engineering structures (GEC Thrissur, 2016)
Investigations on dynamic response of structures subjected to blast loads (GEC Thrissur, 2016)
Vibration based damage detection studies based on finite element model updation using genetic algorithm (GEC Thrissur,2017)
System identification studies on forging hammer machine foundations using vibration data (GEC Thrissur, 2017)
Seismic behaviour of structures with floating columns (GEC Thrissur,2018)
Vibration based damage detection studies based on finite element model updation using genetic algorithm (GEC Thrissur, 2018)
Reliability Based Code Calibration Studies on IS 456 Flexure Design Provisions (GEC Thrissur,2019)
Studies on Buckling Behaviour of Cold Formed Steel Compression Members (GEC Thrissur, 2020)
Seismic Performance of High-rise Buildings with Various lateral Load Resisting Systems (GEC Thrissur, 2021)
3.0 Short Term Courses Organized
- Computational Fluid Dynamics: Dec 2016, Sponsored by DTE, Kerala
4.0 Major FDPs attended
Machine Learning for Data Sciences using Python, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Warangal, May 2023.
Vibration Analysis of Engineering Structures, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, May 2023.
Behaviour and Design of Connections in Steel Structures, Organized by Structural Engineering Research Centre, Chennai, March 2023
Wind Loads and Effects on Structures, Organized by SERC Chennai, Dec.2022
Smart Materials and Intelligent System Design, Organized by SERC Chennai, May 2022
Design of Steel Buildings for Earthquake and Fire, Organized by Dept. of CE, IITM, March 2021
Recent Trends and Future Aspects of Steel Structures, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Warangal, Oct.2021
Analysis, Modelling and Design of Structures for Impulsive Loads, Organized by SERC Chennai, Oct. 2021
Advances in Numerical Methods for Engineering Structures: Fundamentals toward Applications, ATAL FDP, Organized by IIT Ropar, Oct.2021.
Earthquake Engineering, ATAL FDP, Sept.2020
Indian Seismic Codes IS 1893:2016 and IS 13920:2016, Jointly organized by RMK College of Engineering and IITM, May 2020.
Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process, IITB, Mar.2020
Structural Health Monitoring of Critical Infrastructure, Organized by SERC Chennai, Dec.2020
Performance Based design and Health Assessment of Bridges, Organized by SERC Chennai, Sept. 2020.
Data Sciences, ATAL FDP, Dec. 2019.
5.0 Invited Lectures
Expert lecture on 'Structural Dynamics & Finite Elements', for FDP Finite Element Analysis using ANSYS, Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC Thrissur, Jan. 2017.
Expert lecture on 'Modelling of Traffic Loads for Highway Bridges' for M.Tech Students of Department of Civil Engineering, CET, July 2018.
6.0 Session Chair
Session chair, 4rth International Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction Management (SECON'23), Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, FISAT, Ernakulam, 2023
Session chair, 7 th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2023), Organized by GEC Thrissur
Session chair, 2 nd International Conference on materials, Mechanics & Structures (ICMMS2022), Organized by Department of Civil Engineering NIT Calicut.
Session Chair, International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Structures 2020 (ICMMS2020), Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut.
Session chair, 6 th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2023), Organized by GEC Thrissur
Session chair, Innovations in Civil Engineering & Practices, KTU Tech Fest 2019.
Session chair, National Conference REACT 2016, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Thrissur.
7.0 Reviewer
7 th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2023), Organized by GEC Thrissur
International Conference on Sustainable Solutions for Infrastructure Development organized by the Department of Civil Engineering,2023
Reviewer for a research project proposal in 2022 for Kerala State Council for Science, technology and Environment (KSCSTE).
International Conference on Smart Solutions for Sustainable Infrastructure organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College Kozhikode, 2021
4rth International Conference on Systems, Energy and Environment (ICSEE 2021), Organized by Govt. Engineering Kannur,2021
International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Structures 2020 (ICMMS2020), Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, NIT Calicut,2020
6 th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2020), Organized by GEC Thrissur,2020
National Conference SECON 2019, Organized by Department of Civil Engineering, FISAT, Ernakulam
5 th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology (ICETEST 2018), Organized by GEC Thrissur,2018
3 rd International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management (IMMM 2017) Organized by College of Engineering Trivandrum.
8.0 Major Industrial Consultancy Projects
Assessment of residual capacities of grid beams of warf structure of Vizhinjam International seaport Project, Thiruvananthapuram, Nov. 2023 (Co-investigator: Dr. N. Unnikrishnan)
Finite element analysis for capacity estimation of existing underground masonry arch tunnel in Thiruvananthapuram, Feb.2024. (Co-investigators: Dr. Beena K.P., Dr. S. Sreekumar, Dr. Jayaraj P.G.)
Structural design of overhead water tanks of 16 Lakh litres, 12 LL and 6 LL capacities for Kerala Water Authority, Oct.2022. (Co-consultant: Prof. Biju V.)
Proof checking of structural designs of RC hospital buildings at Kawarati and Agati for Lakshwdeep administration, Feb.2024. (Co- consultant: Prof. Biju V.)
Proof checking of steel prefabricated exhibition hall building for KINFRA, Dec. 2022. (Co-consultant. Prof. Biju V.)
Proof checking of structural design of cable stayed pedestrian bridges for Kerala Electrical & Allied Engineering Company, Ernakulam, Dec. 2019
Vibration studies on residential buildings due to operation of 16T Impact hammer at Steel & Industrial Forgings ltd. Athani, Thrissur. Dec. 2018 (Co.investigator: P.K.Sankaran Nair Prof(retd), CUSAT.
9.0 Member of Technical Committees
Kerala Road Fund Board, KIIFB project on Construction of Extradosed span of Perumon Bridge across Ashtamudi Lake
Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board funded projects in Engineering and Arts and Science Colleges in Kerala.
Member of technical Committee, International Conference on Materials, mechanics and Structures, (ICMMS 20) NIT Calicut
10.0 Membership in Professional Societies
Life Member, Institute for Steel Development & Growth (INSDAG) -No. LM 156
Life Member, International Association for Bridge Maintenance and Safety (IABMAS) - No. IMS 164
Life Member Indian Concrete Institute - LM 10490
Life Member Indian Society for Technical Education - LM 50290
Life Member Indian Institute of Bridge Engineers - LM 6849
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