
Dr. Beena P. R.
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Office Phone:
- B.Tech with distinction from Kerala University in 1990
- M.Tech in Structural Engineering with honours from Calicut University in 1993
- Ph.D from Kerala University in 26.8.2016
Previous Experience/Positions held
- As Structural Engineer in Iyer & Mahesh Pvt Ltd., Vazhuthacaud from 1993 to1999 (6 years)
- As Assistant Engineer in Harbour Engineering Dept from 13.12.1999 to 31.5.2000 (6 months)
- As Assistant professor in Dept of Technical Education, Kerala1.6.2000 onwards ( about 19 years and still continuing)
Areas of Interest:
- Design of RCC and Steel structures
- Earthquake resistant construction
- Prestressed concrete
- High strength and high performance concrete
Courses Handled
- Design of RCC structures
- Design of steel structures
- Advanced Numerical Methods
- Stability of Structures
- High rise structures
- Prestressed concrete
- Advanced structural analysis
- Mechanics of structures
- Engineering mechanics
- Structural Analysis
Publications in journals :
- Ganesan, N., Ruby, A., Beena, P.R., Anisha, T. (2014), "Behavior of ultra high performance concrete wall panels under two-way in-plane loading", International Journal Structural Engineering , Volume. 5(3), pp.262-278.
- Ruby, A. Beena, P.R, Minu, E.M. (2011), "Experimental Investigation on Behavior of Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panels Under One-Way In-Plane Loading", International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering , Volume.04(05), October, pp. 907-915.
- Ganesan, N., Ruby, A., Beena, P.R, Anil, R. (2013), "Influence of Horizontal Reinforcement on Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panels under Two way in plane action", International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , Volume.4(5), May, pp.149-152.
Publications in conferences :
- Maya B.S., Beena P.R. "Analysis of Beams on Elastic Foundation by Vlasov Model approach", IV National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum. November 2002.
- Asha B., Beena P.R., "A Study on the Effect of Semi-rigidity of bolted joints in the Behavior of Steel Trusses . V National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum. November 2004.
- Sreepriya V., Beena P.R., "Properties of High Strength Concrete using Mineral Admixtures" "Proceedings of National Conference on Concrete Technology for the the Future",November 2006 .
- Faisal P.A., Beena P.R., " Study on the Utilization of Waste Glass in Concrete" IX National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum. 196-197, November 2008.
- Rajimol S Raju, Beena P.R, Dr. Ruby Abraham , " Effect of aspect ratio on strength and behavior of UHPC wall panels under one-way in plane loading" XI National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum. 196-197, November 2011.
- Anisha, T., Beena, P.R., Ruby, A., "Effect vertical Reinforcement on High Performance Concrete Wall Panels", International Conference on Technological Trends (ICTT 2010), College of Engineering, Trivandrum, November 2010.
- Rajimol, S. R., Beena, P.R, Ruby, A., "Effect of Aspect Ratio on the Strength and Behavior of HPC Wall Panels in One-way and Two-way In-Plane action", X National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, November 2011.
- Anil, R., Beena, P.R, Ruby, A., "Effect of Horizontal Reinforcement on the Structural Behavior of Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panels", XI National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements,College of Engineering, Trivandrum, November 2012.
- Ashok, M., Beena, P.R, Ruby, A., "Effect of fibers on UHPC wall panels", XI National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, November 2012.
- Beena, P.R, Ruby, A., " A study on the effect of horizontal reinforcement on the structural behavior of UHPC wall panels under one way and two way in plane loading", Proceedings of the Indo- Brazil Bilateral International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing-ICAMM 2015, Tirunelveli, March 27-28, 2015.
- Devika, S.V., Beena, P.R, Ruby, A, "Effect of Openings on Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panels under One-way In-plane Loading", XIII National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum., August 2014.
- Devika, S.V., Beena, P.R, Ruby, A., Ganesan, N, "Effect of Fibers on Ultra High Performance Concrete Wall Panels with Openings", 2 nd International Conference on Materials Mechanics and Management (IMMM 2014), College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 17-19 Dec 2014.
- Anusree, A., Beena, P.R, Ruby, A, "Effect of Openings on UHPC Wall Panels under Two-way In-plane Loading", XIV National Conference on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, September 2015.
- Abhirami A J, Beena P R, "Flexural Behaviour of Ultra High Performance Concrete T Beams", 17 th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT-2016), College of Engineering, Trivandrum, August 2016.
- Nibin Gafoor, Beena P R, "Effect of Rubber Latex in Concrete with Metakaolin Admixture" 3 nd International Conference on Materials Mechanics and Management (IMMM 2017), College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 13-15 July 2017.
- Nibin Gafoor, Beena P R, "Experimental study on Reinforced Concrete Beams Retrofitted with Natural Rubber Latex Modified Ferrocement" 18 th National Conference on Technological Trends (NCTT-2017), College of Engineering, Trivandrum, August 2017 (pp 532-537).
Other Responsibilities held:
- Staff in charge (addl) in Survey Laboratory from 2003 to 2007
- M Tech Staff advisor (addl) from 2002 to 2003
- Executive member cum cashier in College staff club from 2004 to 2008
- Staff in charge (addl) in Computer lab from 2008 to 2011
- Staff in charge in Computer lab from 2012 to 2014
- B Tech Staff advisor from 2013 to 2017
- Staff in charge (addl) in S M Lab in 2015
- ICT Staff in charge from 2015 to 2017
- Member of Advisory committee of ICI Student Chapter from 2016 till date
- Staff in charge of time table from 2017 to 2019
- CCDM Executive member from 2017 onwards
- Structural Engineering Lab in charge from 2018 onwards
Other Academic Activities
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