
Dr. Deepa Raj S.
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Office Telephone:
- Ph.D in Structural Engineering
- M.Tech in Structural Engineering
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering
Previous Experience/Positions held
- Associate Professor, Government Engineering College, Barton hill, Trivandrum
- Assistant Professor, College of engineering Trivandrum
- Assistant Engineer, Irrigation Department
- Assistant Engineer, Kerala State Electricity Board.
- Guest Lecturer, College of Engineering Trivandrum
Areas of Interest:
- Analysis and Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Geopolymer Concretre
- Fibre Reinforced Concrete
- Prestressed Concrete
Courses Handled
- Prestressed Concrete Structures
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures
- Advanced concrete Technology
- Advanced Structural analysis
- Structural analysis
- Mechanics of structures
- Theory of Structures
- Engineering Mechanics
- Basic Civil Engineering
- Building Planning and Drawing
International Journal
Deepa Raj S. and Surumi R. S., (2012), “ Behaviour of Various Types of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer on Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams”, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Vol.5, No.1, pp.160-168
Deepa Raj S. and Surumi R. S., (2012), “Shear Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Beams using Near Surface Mounted Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer ”, Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (Building and Housing),Vol.13, No.5, pp. 679-690.
Deepa Raj S. , Ruby Abraham, N. Ganesan and DivyaSasi, (2013), “Fracture Properties of Fibre Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete” , International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Vol.4, pp.981-985
Rohith M, Girija K and Deepa Raj S, (2014), “ Safety Evaluation of Idukki Arch Dam”, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol.5,issur 7, pp.492-499.
Gnesan,N Ruby Abraham, Deepa Raj S and DivyaSasi, (2014), “Stress- Strain Behaviour of c confined Geopolymer Concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, vol.73, pp 326–331
Ganesan,N Ruby Abraham, Deepa Raj S and DivyaSasi., (2015), “Fracture Properties of Geopolymer Concrete”, Asian journal of Civil engineering,Vol.16, No.1,pp127-134. , No.5, ppp.75-80.
Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham and Deepa Raj S, (2015), “Durability characteristics of steel fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete”, Construction and Building Materials, Vol.93, ppp.471-476.
Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham and Deepa Raj S ,(2015)“Effect of Fibres on the Stress-strain Behaviour of Geopolymer concrete”: International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ,Vol.8,No.4,pp 256-258.
Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham, Deepa Raj S and DivyaSasi ,(2015)“Development of Stress Block Parameters for Geopolymer concrete”:The Indian Concrete Journal ,Vol.89,issue.9,pp 47-56.
Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham and Deepa Raj S ,(2015)“Experimental and Analytical
Investigations on Geopolymer Concrete Columns Under Repeated Axial Compression” , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (BHRC),Vol.16,No.5,pp 651-662.
Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham Deepa Raj S and Namitha K ,(2016)“Effect of fibres on the strength and behaviour of GPC Columns ”, Magazine of Concrete Research, ICE, London
N.Ganesan, Ruby Abraham Deepa Raj S and Anumol Raju ,(2016)“Behavior of geopolymer and conventional concrete beam column joints under reverse cyclic loading”, Advances in Concrete Construction, Vol. 4, No. 3 ,pp. 145-154
Deepa Raj S and Jithin Bhoopesh (2017), “ Strength and behaviour of recycled
aggregate geopolymer concrete beams”, Advances in Concrete Construction,
Vol. 4, No.2 ,pp. 145-154
Amy De Sam and Deepa Raj S (2018), “ Studies on Ambient Cured Geopolymer Concrete” Emerging Trends on Engg, Science and Technology for Societ Energy and Environment, Taylor and Francis group, London, ISBN 978-0-8153-5760.
Deepa Raj S and Ajith Ramachandran (2019), “Performance of hybrid fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete SN Applied Sciences (2019)
Deepa Raj S , Ganesan N and Ruby Abraham (2020)“ Role of fibers on the performance of geopolymer concrete exterior beam column joints”, Advances in Concrete Construction, Vol. 9, No. 2 ,pp. 115-123.
International Conference
Ruby Abraham, Deepa Raj S. and Varghese Abraham, (2013), “Strength and Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete Beams”, International Conference on Energy and Environment, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, pp.159-166.
Deepa Raj S , Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham and Namitha K, (2014), “Comparison of Uniaxial Behaviour of Fibre reinforced Geopolymer and Conventional Concrete Columns”,2nd International Conference on Materials Mechanics and Management, College of Engineering Trivandrum, pp 538-543.
Deepa Raj S ,Ganesan N, Ruby Abraham and Namitha K, (2015), “Experimental
Investigation on steel fibre reinforced geopolymer concrete column”, Iindo-brazil
bilateral international conference on advanced materials and manufacturing – ICAMM, Thirunelveli - pp1-5.
ThusharaRaju and Deepa Raj S (2017), “ Comparison of Strength and behaviour
of plain and fibre reinforced geopolymer and conventional concrete columns under
lateral loading” International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Science
and Technology ( IER-RTEST’17) July-2017.
Mini Soman, Deepa Raj S and Nithin A V (2020) Geopolymer Concrete – Sustainable Concrete for the FutureMaterials Mechanics and Structures, NIT Calicut , July 14-15 2020
Panchami R, Deepa Raj S (2023) Geopolymer Concrete - Advancements, Challenges, and Future Prospects, , International Conference on Sustainable Infrastructure: Innovations, Opportunities, and Challenges (Siioc 2023) , NITK, Surathkal-April 23
Nithin Av, Deepa Raj s and Mini Soman A review on microstructural, mechanical, and durability characteristics of raw kaolin clay-based geopolymers”. AIP Conf. Proc. 31 January 2024.
National Conference
Rakesh T. Menon and Deepa Raj S., (2004), “Model analysis of a typical sounding rocket assembly”, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
Justin Jose and Deepa Raj S., (2006), “Optimization of fly ash based Prestressed concrete beams under different cable positions”, National Seminar on Recent Trends in Technological Advancements, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp. c7-c11.
Maya G. Nair and Deepa Raj S., (2008), “Effect of Fibres on Structural Performance of High Strength Reinforced Concrete Columns”, National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp. 205-209.
Surumi R.S. and Deepa Raj S., (2010), “ Near surface mounted glass fibre reinforced polymer for shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams”, National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering Trivandrum, pp. 407-413.
Divya K. K. and Deepa Raj S., (2011), “Study on Geopolymer Concrete”, 12thNational Conference on technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp. 313-318.
Mini R. and Deepa Raj S., (2012), “Retrofitting of reinforced concrete columns with externally bonded and near surface mounted method”, 13th National Conference on Technological Trends , College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp.1226-1229.
Varghese Abraham and Deepa Raj S., (2012), “Flexural Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete”, 13th National Conference on technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp1263-1267.
Ruby Abraham, Deepa Raj S. and Varghese Abraham, (2013), “Strength and Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete Beams”, International Conference on Energy and Environment, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Technology, Kottayam, pp.159-166.
DivyaSasi, Deepa Raj S. and Ruby Abraham, (2013), “Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete”, 14th National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
Namitha K, Deepa Raj S. and Ruby Abraham, (2014), “Comparison of Strength and Behaviour of Geopolymer and Conventional Concrete Columns”, 15th National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp.981-985
Rohith M, Girija K and Deepa Raj S, (2014), “ Finite Element Modelling of Idukki Arch Dam”, 15th National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp.986-990.
Anumol Raju, Deepa Raj S. and Ruby Abraham, (2015), “Comparison of Strength and Behaviour of Geopolymer and Conventional Concrete Beam Column Joints”, 16th National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp.981-985.
Yadu Krishnan, Ruby Abraham and Deepa Raj S., (2015), “Comparison of Strength and Behaviour of Geopolymer and Conventional Concrete Columns”, 15th National Conference on Technological Trends, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, pp.981-985.
Other Responsibilities held:
- Staff advisor (B. Tech 2021- 2022 )
- Staff advisor (B. Tech 2006 - 2009)
- Series test Coordinator- 2007-2008
- Lab in Charge - Concrete Lab (2011-2015)
- Lab in Charge - Computer Lab Lab (2015-2017)
- Department NIRF Co-ordinator-2017-2018
- Series Test Coordinator 2019-2020
- Staff advisor (B. Tech 2020 - 2022)
- Timetable in charge 2021-2022
- Department Documentation Co-ordinator 2022-till date
- Lab in Charge - Structural Engineering Lab-2023-till date
Research activities:
Ph.D guidance (On-going)
- Currently supervising 2 PhD Scholars
M.Tech Guidance
- Completed : 18
- Ongoing: 1
Sponsored research projects undertaken
Principal Investigator -Experimental Investigations on the Fracture parameters of Geopolymer Concrete,2 lakhs, CERD-2011-13
Principal Investigator- Strength and Behaviour of Ecofriendly Geopolymer Concrete Structural Elements-14.85 Lakhs, KSCSTE, 2013-2016
Co-Investigator-Development of Geopolymer Concrete Paver Blocks- 1.5 lakhs , TRC 2018-2021
Other Academic Activities
Carried out various consultancy projects such as Concrete Mix Design, Structural Design, Vetting of Structural Design etc. in association with ITC&SR CET
Review Assignments handled in various peer reviewed journals like - Construction and Building Materials -Elsevier, Advances in concrete Construction- Technopress, International Journal of Advanced Structural Engineering - Springer, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering -Springer
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