
Dr. Indulekha K. P.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
- B.Tech. in Civil Engineering
- M.Tech. in Hydraulics Engineering
- Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Previous Experience/Positions held
Junior Research Fellow (2003-2006) at National centre for Earth Science Studies
Areas of Interest:
- River Engineering,
- Hyrology and Water Resources Engg
- Fluid Mechanics
- Fluvial Hydraulics
- Watershed Modelling
- GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Water Resources Engineering
Courses Handled
PG level
- A dvanced Numerical methods and Computational Hydraulics
- River Engineering
- Free Surface Flow
- Advanced Fluid Mechanics
- Applied Hydrology
UG Level
- Water Resources Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics
- Free Surface Flow
- Basic Civil Engineerig
Journal Publications
- Ganga Priya P and Indulekha K P (2013) , DEVELOPMENT OF GIS BASED DISASTER RISK INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR DECISION MAKING, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN (Online) : 2319 - 8753
- Veena S and Indulekha K P (2014), Experimental-Study-on-Sand-Erosion-Around-Defective-Sewer-Pipes, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research,, ISSN 2229-5518, Volume 5, Issue 7.
- S Krishna Prasad, KP Indulekha, K Balan (2016) , Analysis of groyne placement on minimising river bank erosion, ELSEVEIR, Procedia Technology 24, 47-53, 2016, ISSN 2213-0173
- M R Aswathy, K P Indulekha (2018), Estimation of soil erosion using revised universal soil loss equation and GIS, International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology 4, 980-984, 2018
K.P. Indulekha, P.K. Jayasree, K. Balan. (2023) Assessment of Best Configuration of Cocolog Groynes in Meanders Considering Scouring and Flow Patterns - An Experimental Study . Journal of Natural Fibers 20:1
K.P. Indulekha and Varsha Vikraman. 2023, Experimental Analysis of Effective Layouts for permeable Groins in a curved Channel, Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture , Care UGC Approved group-II Journal, volume 13 issue 4, PAGE NO : 41 - 53, DOI:17.0002.JECA.2023.V13I04.200786.17017 , ISSN NO: 1934-7197
K. P. Indulekha, P. K. Jayasree, K. Balan. (2022) Laboratory investigation of flow and turbulent characteristics around permeable and impermeable groynes in a strongly curved meandering channel . ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 0:0, pages 1-11
K.P. Indulekha, P.K. Jayasree, K. Balan, L Dhanesh & J S Vinod (2021) Laboratory Evaluation of Permeability Characteristics of Cocologs, Journal of Natural Fibers, 18:12, 2127-2138, DOI: 10.1080/15440478.2020.1723779 , ISSN: 1544-0478 (Print) 1544-046X (Online) Journal
K P Indulekha , P K Jayasree and S Sachin., 2020. Simulation of flow pattern around series of groynes with different orientations in meandering channels, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1114 (2021) 012024 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1114/1/012024. Online ISSN: 1757-899X, Print ISSN: 1757-8981
Lekkshmi Chandran, Indulekha K.P.(2014); Experimental Investigation on the Effects of Geotextiles in Subsurface Erosion, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 7, July-2014; ISSN 2229-5518 pp-335-339
Conference publications
- Karthik U and Indulekha K P (2023), Flood Plain mapping due to Dam break, National conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering Research (RACER 2023)
- Ashna S and Indulekha K P, (2023), ANALYSIS AND RESILIENCE ENHANCEMENT OF WATER DISTRIBUTION NETWORK USING EPANET, National conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering Research, RACER 2023
- Smrithi S, Lini R Chandran, Indulekha K P (2023) OPTIMIZATION OF WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF NEW YORK CITY, National conference on Recent Advancements in Civil Engineering Research, RACER 2023
- Smrithi S, Lini R Chandran, Indulekha K P, (2024) Projection of land use and land cover changes in Karamana river basin, International conference on Research and Innovation for sustainable development, ICRISD-2024
- Smrithi S, Lini R Chandran, Indulekha K P, (2024), Evaluating the Impact of Climate Variation and Urbanization on Runoff in Karamana River Basin, Kerala, India, International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Environment and Technologies Under Climate Change Scenario (SMET-2024) National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra, Haryana
Jyothis Thomas an d Indulekha.K .P, Computer aided Flood Frequency Analysis of Karamana River Basin(2003) , National Conferenece on Hydraulics and Water Resources , 26-27 December, 2003 HYDRO-2003
Indulekha.K .P an d Jyothis Thomas (2008) Application of Extreme Value Distributions to Flood frequency Analysis : A case study of Karamana River Basin, 2nd National Conference ‘Focusing on advances in Civil Engineering', FACE -08, p187-196, 2008
Tiji Antony an d Indulekha.K.P, (2012), Runoff and Sediment yield modeling of Vamanapuram watershed using Geo WEPP, Proceedings of 13th National conference on Technological Trends, p1157-1163.
Gangapriya P V an d Indulekha.K.P, (2012), Shoreline change detection and Vulnerability mapping of Trivandrum Coast, Proceedings of 5 th National Conference on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering, p235-240.
Gangapriya P V an d Indulekha.K.P , (2013), Natural Hazard Assessment of Thiruvanathapuram District using Remote Sensing and GIS, Proceedings of 14 th National conference on Technological Trends, p809-813.
Gangapriya P V an d Indulekha.K.P (2013), Development of GIS Based Disaster Risk Information System For Decision Making , Proceedings of International Conference on Energy and Environment-2013 (ICEE 2013), December, pp140-148
Veena S an d Indulekha.K.P, (2014), Laboratory study on sand erosion around defective sewer pipes, 15 th national conference on technological trends, NCTT-2014, pp 177-182
Lekshmi Chandran an d Indulekha.K.P (2014), Empirical modeling os strean bank erosion due to subsurface flow from experimental investigation, 15 th national conference on technological trends, NCTT-2014, pp 442-446.
Veena S an d Indulekha.K.P, (2014), Experimental study on sand erosion around defective sewer pipes, 2 nd international conference on materials, mechanics and Management (IMMM-2014), pp 345-348
Lekshmi Chandran an d Indulekha.K.P, (2014) Experimental investigation on the effects of geotextiles in subsurface erosion, 2 nd international conference on materials, mechanics and Management (IMMM-2014), pp 348-353
Krishna Prasad , K. Balan an d Indulekha.K.P (2015)Analysis of groyne placement on minimizing river bank erosion, 16 th national conference on technological trends, 2015, pp 287-292
Reethu Angel Cletus and Indulekha.K.P, (2015) Modeling of stage discharge rating curve using M5P Model tree and NARX", 16th national conference on technological trends, 2015, pp 331-336
Varsha V and Indulekha.K.P., (2016), "Effect of cocolog groyne layout in curved channel"., National conference on Technological Trends-2016, College of Engineering, Trivandrum
Indulekha. K.P, & Somiya . S.P., (2017).,"Analysis of Scour Around Permeable and Impermeable Groynes: an experimental study", National conference on Technological Trends-2017, College of Engineering, Trivandrum.
Indulekha. K.P, an d Somiya . S.P., (2018)., "An Investigation of Flow and Scouring Around Different Types of Permeable and Impermeable Groyne., 5 th iennial International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology", International conference on Civil Engineering Advancements in Sustainable Infrastructure Development and Environment -CEASIDE 2018 , Government Engineering College, Thrissur.
Aswathy M R an d Indulekha K P (2018)" Estimation of soil erosion using Revised Universal Soil Loss equation an GIS" International journal of Advanced Research , Ideas an innovations in Technology, ISSN 2454-132X, volume 4 , issue 4, p980-984
Niloofar M U an d Indulekha. K P (2018) "Managament of Beach morphological changes on Trivanrum coast" Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology for society, Taylor and Francis, pp87-93
Dhanesh L an d Indulekha. K P (2018) "Modified roughness equation for erodable bed open channel flow" Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology for society,Taylor and Francis, pp109-116
Lisha Sunny and K.P. Indulekha (2019), "Performance of flexible mattress as protection for local scour around spur dikes", International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD - 2019)
Merin Jude and Indulekha K.P (2019), "Risk Assessment of Flooding and Riverbank Erosion of Vamanapuram River Basin". International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD - 2019)
K.P. Indulekha and R.L. Abhijith, (2019), "2D numerical modelling of short-term morphological change in meander bends" International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD - 2019).
K.P. Indulekha, Sebin Xavier and Aiswarya Prabhu, (2019), "Suspended sediment concentration measurements using acoustic doppler velocimeter". International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD - 2019)
Varsha Chandran V. and K.P. Indulekha (2019), "Soil Salinity modelling and mapping of Honnali region using Remote sensing and GIS" International Conference on Innovative Trends in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ITCSD - 2019)
Indulekha K P, Jayasree P K, Balan K, (2020) "Analysis of groyne orientation in meanders with permeable groynes - a laboratory study". 4th International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management IMMM 2020
B, Athira and K P, Indulekha, Modelling of Water Level in Vamanapuram River Using Mike Hydro River (February 26, 2021). Proceedings of the International Conference on Systems, Energy & Environment (ICSEE) 2021, Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3793868 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3793868
K P Indulekha, P K Jayasree and S Sachin (2021), "Simulation of flow pattern around series of groynes with different orientations in meandering channels: International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology (ICETEST2020), IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1114 012024, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1114/1/012024
Sreeshma A S and Indulekha K P. (2021), Numerical Analysis of W-Form Labyrinth Weir Using Flow-3d, Innovations in Civil Engineering 22,23 July 2021,Marian Engineering College, TVM
Arshed A.A and Indulekha, K,P. (2023) STUDY FOR IMPROVING CARRYING CAPACITY OF EXISTING DRINKING WATERTRUNK MAINS IN TRIVANDRUM CITY, Proceedings of International conference on sustainable innovative practicesSIP 2023, Kumaraguru college of Technology,Coimbatore.
Majesty G and Indulekha K P, Modelling stage-discharge relationship of Achankovil river using ANN and MODEL TREE, proceedings of 7 th Biennial "International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology"
Nikitha H and Indulekha.K.P, Comparative Study of ANN and ANFIS Models For The Rainfall Runoff Modelling of Periyar River Basin, proceedings of 7 th Biennial "International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Science and Technology"
Other Responsibilities held:
Other Academic Activities
- Number of Ph.D. Guidance - 4 Ongoing
Projects Undertaken
STUDIES ON THEUSE OFCOCOLOGS FOR RIVER BANKEROSION CONTROL funded by Kerala StateCouncil for Science, Technology and Environment(KSCSTE)-28 lakhs
Laboratory Flume Experimental Studies on the use of Cocologs for River Bank Erosion Control funded by CERD, Govt of Kerala-2 lakhs
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