
Dr. Loui T. R.
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering
- M.Tech in Traffic and Transportation Planning
- Ph.D in Civil Engineering
Previous Experience/Positions held
- 3 years Industry Experience
- 23 years of teaching experience.
Areas of Interest:
- Pavement Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Transportation Engineering
Subjects Taught
- Engineering Mechanics
- Basic civil Engineering
- Construction technology and project management
- Transportation Engineering
- Forensic Engineering
- Railway Engineering
- Airport seaport and Tunnel Engineering
- Analysis and Design of pavement
- Application of geosynthetics
- Road safety and accident investigation
- Research methodology
Loui T.R, M.Satyakumar, Bowney John, (2012) "Finite element modeling of Coir geotextile embedded pavement Overlays New Building materials and construction world "(NBM&CW) Vol 8, pp172-179 .
Loui T.R, M.Satyakumar (2013) "Study on influence of coir geotextile and bitumen content on shear resistance of bituminous overlays". International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Vol 4, pp. 7-13.
M. Satyakumar, Loui T.R July (2014) "Experimental investigation on effect of coir geotextile on rutting characteristics on asphalt overlays" Indian Highways Vol 42 No.7 Pp. 13-22.
Loui T.R, M. Satyakumar, R. Padma Kumar Aavani P (2014)"Finite element analysis of coir geotextiles modified flexible pavement based on fatigue failure criterion" International Journal of Advance Research in Engineering and Technology Volume 5, pp. 112-122.
M.Satyakumar, Loui.T.R (2015) "Laboratory Investigations on Permeability Characteristics of Coir Geotextile Modified Bituminous Overlays". Indian roads Congress
Loui.T.R (2015) "Comparative study of the effect of treated coir fibre and natural rubber modified bitumen on open graded friction course mixes". International journal of advanced research in engineering & technology . Vol 6, Issue 1 Jan 2015.
T. R. Loui1 - Biju Longhinos1 - Prabhakar C. Adhin1 - S. Karthik(2020) Feasibility Study on Sustainable Development of Inland Navigation Under Changing Traffic Scenario of Kerala: A Case Study J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. Ahttps://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-020-00445-5
S. Karthik1 - T. R. Loui2 (2021) Development of Traffic Congestion Model to Evaluate the Level of Congestion and its Associative Cost for an Urban Arterial Road: a Case J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. A https://doi.org/10.1007/s40030-021-00526-z
Loui T.R and Bowney John (2011) "Experimental investigation on modification of subgrade soil characteristics by addition of phosphogypsum". 12 th national conference on technological trends. Vol 1, pp. 361-366.
Loui T.R., M.V.L.R Anjaneyulu and Sasikala, (2012) "Experimental investigation on crumb rubber application on concrete pavements". International Conference on recent innovations in technology ICRIT. Pp. 39-45.
Loui T.R, M.Satyakumar,Bowney John(2012 )"Experimental investigation on effect of coir geotextiles on creep characteristics of bituminous concrete" 13th national conference on technological trends NCTT 2012 -103 Pp1-7
Loui.T.R, M. satyakumar Abhijith R.P (2012) "Experimental investigation on influence of coir geotextiles on adherence property of bituminous mix".13th National Conference on Technological Trends NCTT 2012-56 Pp1-5
Loui T.R, Aavani P and Satyakumar.M (2013)"Finite element analysis of effect of coir geotextiles on fatigue life of bituminous pavements" International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering. Pp. 451-457
M.Satyakumar , Loui.T.R (2015)" Field implementation and evaluation of performance of coir geotextile reinforced bituminous overlays - A case study" 2nd Conference on Transportation Systems Engineering and management (CTSEM) Centre of Excellence in Transportation Engineering (CETransE) Department of Civil Engineering National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli - 620015, Tamil Nadu
Loui T.R, Aswaty.S" Effects of temperature on a geotextile modified pavement a finite element approach". International conference on modeling and stimulation in civil engineering (ICMSC 2015), held at TKMCE.
Loui T R , Surya Suresh , Biju Longhinos Study on utilization of Flood Deposits in the Base Layers of Flexible Pavement-A case study NCRI 2020
Anna mary Johnson,Loui T R(2023) prediction of PCI and Model Development Between PCI &IRI Using Artificial Neural Network-IMPACTS 2023
Other Responsibilities held:
- Number of M.Tech Thesis guided: 23
- Transportation Engineering Laboratory in charge
- Transportation research centre coordinator
- PG & UG Students advisor
- Consultant to PWD, LSGD, KSEB, KWA, ISRO
Other Academic Activities
Invited Talks/ Lectures:
"Overlay design using BBD technique" a short term training programme on material characterization mix design and pavement evaluation organized by Transportation Engineering Research Centre (TRC) at Department of civil engineering, CET on I9/1/2016.
Talk on "over view of application of geotextile on pavements" for the short term training program on recent innovations in Transportation Engineering, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, under transportation Engineering Research centre(TRC) College of Engineering ,Thiruvananthapuram 2014.
Technical talk on application of geo textiles in pavement construction: Over view in one day workshop on "Application of advanced technology in construction and performance monitoring of pavements" under TRC
Talk onTypes of Timber,defects,seasoning,timberpreservation and storage for junior Engineers @garrison Engineer (Air force) TVm.
Talk on Bituminous Mix Design and Lab tests for Bitumen (2 Days ) for the staff of quality control Sub Dn.and District lab and PWD field officers
Talk on Basic training for newly inducted officers in PMGSY FOR KSRRDA Conducted through Centre for Industrial Training,Consultancy and Sponsored Research( ITC & SR),CET
Training to Engineers/Faculty in PWD/Local Self Government/Engineering Colleges:
Organized 5 day training programme for Govt.Engineers from PWD, LSGD, Harbour Engineering departments on the topic "Training programme on material characterization, Mix design and Pavement Evaluation" In association with Transportation Research Centre, Transportation Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering Trivandrum. 18 th Jan to 22 Jan 2016.
Co ordinate course 2 day training programme on Adaptive Designs and Applications in pavement Technology & safety (ADAPTS2023) for PWD engineers organized by TRC
Consultancy provided for Government Organisations:
State Technical Agency (STA)committee member (south Kerala) of PMGSY rural roads projects for National Rural Roads Development Agency (NRRDA) under the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India since 2016
Consultant for Kerala PWD, Airport Authority of India, VSSC, Harbour Engg Dept. KSEB, KWA, Forest Dept.
Interview Board member -NATPAC,KPSC for Technical posts.
Membership in scientific and Professional societies:
- Member in ISTE (Life member),
- Member of Indian road Congress IRC New Delhi.
- Fellow Institute of Engineers India
Sponsored Projects:
Investigator for sponsored project under Transportation Engineering Research Centre TRC Govt.of Kerala for an amount of 6 lakhs 2012-2014 titled "Experimental investigation on effect of coir geotextiles on reduction of pavement distress (Status: Completed)
Investigator for sponsored project under Transportation Engineering Research Centre TRC Govt.of Kerala for an amount of 3 lakhs 2014-2015 titled "performance evaluation of open graded friction course mix treated with coir fibres and hydrated-lime"
(Status: Completed)
for Government of Kerala sponsored project under Transportation Engineering Research Centre, Transportation Engineering Division, Department of Civil Engineering, College of Engineering, and Trivandrum for an amount of Rs 3 lakhs for 1 year2015-2016 duration titled "Evaluation of Effects of temperature on mechanical response of coir geotextile modified flexible pavement system". (Status: Completed).
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