
Dr. R. Padmakumar
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
- B.Tech Degree (Civil Engineering), University of Kerala, 1996
- M.Tech Degree (Traffic and Transportation Engineering), University of Kerala, 1998
- Ph.D. (Transportation Systems Engineering) Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2010
Previous Experience/Positions held
Trainee Engineer, Consulting Engineering Services India Ltd, in Kerala State Highways Project 1999-2000
Areas of Interest:
Research Interests
- Traffic Flow modelling and simulation for heterogeneous conditions
- Traffic signal coordination and Adaptive Traffic Control
- Intelligent Transportation Systems
- GIS and GPS applications in Transportation
- Pavement materials, evaluation, design and management
- Transportation infrastructure projects
- Road safety studies and Emergency Response Management
- Planning for Integrated Transport Systems using GIS
- Sustainable Transportation and Sustainability in general
Academic Interests
- Transportation and Traffic Engineering
- Architecture-its history and evolution
- Estimation and Costing in Civil Engineering
- Civil Engineering Projects-Tunnels, Bridges, Buildings and Dams
- Surveying
- Disaster management
- Web based education
Courses Handled
- Traffic Engineering (UG and PG)
- Transportation Engineering 1 and 2
- Research Methodology (PG)
- Highway and Airfield Pavement Materials
- Highway Pavement Design
- Introduction to Reliability Engineering
- Surveying (for civil and architecture)
- Quantity surveying and valuation
- Housing, Architecture and Planning
- Building drawing
- Basic Civil Engineering (for Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, and Electronics)
- Civil laboratories.
International Journals
Finite Element Analysis of Coir Geotextiles Modified Flexible Pavements Based on Fatigue Failure Criterion, TR Loui, M Satyakumar, R Padmakumar, P Aavani
International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering & Technology, 2014
Effect of Joint Width and Sealing Material on Performance of Bituminous Block Pavement using Finite Element Method,PadmakumarRadhakrishan, VigneshDhurai , International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, 2021
Level of safety and crossing warrants for cross-walks using surrogate safety measures , Sheela Alex, P Radhakrishnan, S Nandakumar, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport, 2022
Development and Evaluation of Sustainable Bituminous Paver Blocks,PRadhakrishnan, V Dhurai, Recycling 8 (1), 7,2023
Padmakumar Radhakrishnan, Mathew, Tom V."A hybrid stochastic Cellular Automata-Driver-Vehicle-Object simulation model for heterogeneous traffic at urban signalized intersections" Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE 2013
Padmakumar Radhakrishnan , and Mathew,Tom, V., " Passenger car units and saturation flow models for non-lane-based heterogeneous traffic ", Transportmetrica, HKSTS Society Volume 7, Issue 2, 2011, 141-162.
Mathew,Tom, V., and Padmakumar Radhakrishnan, "Calibration of micro-simulation models for non-lane based heterogeneous traffic at signalized intersections." Journal of Urban Planning and Development, ASCE, 136 (1), March 2010
International Conference
Effect of sustainable material incorporation along with RAP in bituminous pavement PR VigneshDhurai, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart Villages and Rural Development, COSWARD 2019
Comparative Studies on Gel-Incorporated Flexible Pavement, DJ Joseph, P Radhakrishnan, V Dhurai, International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries, Springer Nature Singapore 2022
Evaluation of Effective Thickness of Bituminous Block Pavement Using Finite Element Approach, V Dhurai, P Radhakrishnan, DJ Joseph
International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing Countries Springer Nature Singapore, 2022
Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Capacity of a Two-Lane Highway, VA Ajay Swaroog, S Alex, P Radhakrishnan
International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation Methodologies for Developing CountriesSpringer Nature Singapore 2022
Capacity Analysis and Safety Assessment of Unsignalized Intersection Using Conflict Technique, PH Souparnika, S Alex, P Radhakrishnan, International Conference on Transportation Planning and Implementation, Methodologies for Developing Countries Springer Nature Singapore, 2022
Finite Element Modeling of Flexible Pavement Reinforced with Geogrid, A Santhosh, P Radhakrishnan, V Dhurai, 2022 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 284 Springer International Publishing
Analysis of Self Healing Microcapsule in Asphalt Binder Using Finite Element Method, J Alex, P Radhakrishnan, V Dhurai, 2022 Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, Volume 284 Springer International Publishing.
R. Padmakumar and V. Rathish, "Simulation of heterogeneous traffic flow in bottlenecks" -at International conference on Transportation Planning and Operation (TRANSPO 2004), IIT Madras, February 18-20, 2004
Padmakumar Radhakrishnan , and Mathew,Tom, V. (2008), "Simulation modeling of heterogeneous traffic for an urban signalized intersection.", 10th AATT (International Conference) at Athens (Greece).
Padmakumar Radhakrishnan , and Mathew,Tom, V. (2008), "Microsimulation analysis of heterogeneous traffic at signalised urban intersections." TPMDC 08 (International Conference) at IIT Bombay.
R. Padmakumar , and Sharon Bin Rasheed (2012), "Signal coordination for an urban corridor under heterogeneous traffic conditions using cluster analysis" TPMDC 2012 (International Conference) at IIT Bombay.
R. Padmakumar , and Sheethal Tom (2012), "Modelling Congestion in Urban Heterogeneous Traffic" TPMDC 2012 (InternationalConference) at IIT Bombay.
R. Padmakumar , and Aneena Elizabeth Jacob (2012), "Analysis of public transport network accessibility using geographic information system " TPMDC 2012 (InternationalConference) at IIT Bombay.
Other Responsibilities held:
Coordinator, Transportation Engineering Research Centre (TRC)
Budget preparation, proposals and activities under the centre
Building of research database
Developing an integrated transport model in GIS
Co coordinator, Education Grid
State Govt. Nominee, EDUSAT Programmes
Core committee member, Thettiyar Rejuvenation Project
Submitted proposals for Green Transportation (roads) and Centre for Research in Disaster Mitigation and Management for institute master plan.
Sustainable activities including restoring vegetation and building a pond and well; and a system for rain water harvesting in Department of Civil Engineering.
Guided more than 15 B. Tech Projects and more than 15 M.Tech Thesis.
Member Academic Committee, TEQIP of College of Engineering Trivandrum for the period 2010 to 2012 (2 years)
Refurbishing TRC office and labs.
Coordinator: Visiting Faculty Programme.
Procurement of advanced equipment for Pavement Engineering , Traffic Engineering, as project investigator and lab in charge.
Proposing Advanced research lab under TRC as coordinator.
Other Academic Activities
Sponsored Research: 2023
- Study on Sustainable Modular Bituminous Pavement (RPS-NDF, AICTE) Patent published for Experimental Unit.
Sponsored Research Projects being carried out at TRC, CET
- Road safety analysis under mixed traffic flow on urban and rural roads (completed) (Principal investigator, with Dr. Sheela Alex).
- Application of geotextiles in bituminous pavements (completed). (co-investigator , with Dr Loui T R).
- Studies on pavement performance using NDT.
- Studies on Engineering and Geological characteristics of road aggregates and their performance in mixes, Completed. (Principal investigator, with Dr. Ajith G Nair).
- Emergency Response Management System for Thiruvananthapuram City using GIS(Principal investigator, with Dr. Sheela Alex)..
- Surrogate Safety Measures and Pedestrian Vulnerability Study(Principal investigator, with Dr. Sheela Alex)..
- Finite Element and Experimental analysis on performance of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavements (Principal investigator)
- Development of road inventory for Thiruvananthapuram District (co-investigator).
- Adaptive Traffic Control: Travel Time Analysis using RFID and traffic intelligence Server (co-investigator).
- Variable speed message signs (Road safety) (co-investigator).
Training Programme coordinated
- Adaptive Designs and Advanced Technology in Pavement Technology and Safety (ADAPTS-2023) for Practising Engineers and Academicians, January 2023.
Technical Talk
- Delivered Technical Talk on Landslides: Some Engineering Perspectives for PG Geology Students at Government College Kottayam, 2019.
Other activities
- Constructed a demonstration walkway on types and evolution of pavements as part of managing concrete and bituminous wastes from college laboratories.
Delivered technical talks at
- Muthukumaran College of Engineering, Chennai
- Believer's Church Caarmel College of Engineering and Technology, Pathanamthitta.
- KHRI, Thiruvananthapuram
- Was resource person for Transportation-related courses and workshops in Department of Civil Engineering, CET
- Organised workshops and courses in the Department under TRC.
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