
Prof. Parvathy U
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Mobile: 6282772931
Email: parvathyu@cet.ac.in
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering
- M.Tech in Structural Engineering
Previous Experience/Positions held
- Worked as Assistant Professor in Mar Baselios College of Engineering and Technology from 2013 to 2021
Areas of Interest:
- Composite Materials
- Functionally Graded Materials
- Structural Stability
Courses Handled
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics
- Professional Communication
- Design and Engineering
- Architectural Graphics and Drawing
- Advanced Computation Methods
Journal Publications:
K. P. Beena and U. Parvathy (2014), " Linear Static Analysis of Functionally Graded Plate using Spline Finite Strip Method", Composite Structures , SCI Indexed , Vol. 117, pp. 309-315.
Parvathy U, Beena K.P.( 2013), "Spline finite strip bending analysis of functionally graded plate using power-law function", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research , Vol. 4(5):166–169
Ancy Alex and Parvathy U. (2016), "Thermal Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates using Power Law function", International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, Vol. 7(10), 73-77.
Parvathy U and Yamuna S.R(2017)., " Linear Static Analysis of Outrigger Structural System subjected to Lateral Loading", International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology , Vol 7, pp. 189-192
Parvathy U and Gayathri D S(2023), " Buckling of Stiffened FGM Plates", Materials Today : Proceedings(Article in Press), SCOPUS indexed.
Parvathy U, Anagha M C, Aiseweriya S, Anjana A B, Vinay Vikram (2023), "Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete with Ferrock as partial replacement of cement", International journal of Novel Research and Development , Vol. 8(7), ISSN: 2456-4184, pp. 294-301
Conference Publications:
U. Parvathy and K. P. Beena, "A critical review on mechanical and thermal buckling of functionally graded plates", International Conference on Advancements and Innovations in Civil Engineering (IC-AICE 2021), organized by Dept. of Civil Engineering, KDK College of Engineering, Nagpur, 18-20 March 2021.
Gayathri D S and Parvathy U, "Buckling Analysis of Stiffened FGM Plates", Second International Conference on Construction Materials and Structures (ICCMS 2022), organized by National Institute of Technology Calicut, 13-19 December 2022.
Parvathy U and Dr. Beena K. P. (2012), "Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Plate using Spline Finite Strip Method", Proceedings of 13th National Conference on Technological Trends , College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Parvathy U and Dr. Beena K. P. (2013), "Sigmoid Idealisation for the Bending Analysis of Functionally Graded Plate", Proceedings of 14th National Conference on Technological Trends , College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Parvathy U. and Dr. Beena K.P.(2013), "Exponential idealisation for the bending analysis of functionally graded plates", Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Modeling & Simulation in Civil Engineering , TKM College of engineering, Kollam.
Ambili R G and Parvathy U (2014), "Buckling Analysis of Functionally Graded Plates using New Hyperbolic Shear Deformation Theory", Proceedings of National Conference on Furthering Aspirations in Civil Engineering Techniques , Government college of Engineering Kannur.
Parvathy U. and Ancy Alex(2016), " Thermal buckling behavior of Functionally graded plates", Proceedings of International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering and Construction (icISEC), Amal Jyothi College of Engineering.
Parvathy U. and Ancy Alex(2016), "Thermal buckling analysis of Functionally Graded Plates using Power Law Function ", International Conference on Developments in Construction and Structural Engineering (icDSCE'16) , NSS College of Engineering Palakkad.
Parvathy U and Shafeek N(2017), "Seismic Performance of flat slab soft storeyed hybrid structural system", International Conference on Innovative Developments in Engineering and Applied Sciences , UKF College of Engineering and Technology, Kollam.
Parvathy U and Yamuna S.R(2017)., " Linear Static Analysis of Outrigger Structural System subjected to Lateral Loading", International Conference on Modelling and Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC), TKM College of Engineering,
Parvathy U and Shafeek N (2017) ., " Linear Static Analysis of Flat Slab Soft Storeyed Hybrid Structural System", The 5th National Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering, MBCET, Trivandrum
Parvathy U and Gayathri D S(2020), " Buckling Analysis of Stiffened Functionally Graded Material Platesd under Uniaxial Compression", Proceedings of 4 th International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management(IMMM 2020), College of Engineering Trivandrum.
Parvathy U. (2021), "A critical review on mechanical and thermal buckling of functionally graded plates", International Conference on Advancements and Innovations in Civil Engineering (IC-AICE-2021), KDK College, Nagpur.
Other Responsibilities held:
- SHE(Scheme for Her Empowerment) coordinator of CET
- Exam Cell member
- Member of Youth Affairs Committee
- Member of Master Plan Committee
- CE Documentation team member
- CE Accreditation Team Member
Other Academic Activities
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