
Dr. Thushara V. T
Assistant Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Email: thusharavt@cet.ac.in
- Ph.D in Transportation Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2023)
- M.Tech in Transportation Engineering (Indian Institute of Technology Madras, 2008)
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering (TKM College of Engineering Kollam, Kerala University, 2006)
Previous Experience/Positions held
Institution |
Post Held |
Period |
TKM College of Engineering |
Assistant Professor |
26/06/2008-5/2/2014 |
Government Engineering College Thrissur |
Assistant Professor |
6/2/2014-14/6/2016 |
Government Engineering College Barton Hill, Trivandrum |
Assistant Professor |
15/6/2016-1/7/2021 |
College of Engineering Trivandrum |
Assistant Professor |
2/7/2021- till date |
Areas of Interest:
- Pavement Engineering
- Analysis and Design of Pavement
- Bituminous mixture design-Hot Mix Asphalt, Hot mix Recycling, Cold mix Recycling
- Gradation Design
- Constitutive Modelling of Bituminous Mixtures
- Full Depth Reclamation
Courses Handled
- Highway and Airfield Pavement Materials
- Design and construction of pavements
- Transportation Engineering,
- Pavement Construction Technology
- Analysis and Design of Pavements
- Mechanics of Solids
- Engineering Mechanics
- Construction Engineering and Management
- Programming in C
- Surveying and Geomatics
- Environmental Engineering
International Journals:
Behera, A., Thushara, V.T., and Murali Krishnan J., "Linear viscoelastic response of emulsified-asphalt cold recycled mixtures", Mech Time-Depend Mater (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11043-024-09724-1 .
Thushara V. T. and J. Murali Krishnan (2022), "A comprehensive particle packing-based design of bituminous mixtures and its mechanical characterisation", International Journal for Pavement Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2022.2113786 .
Medam, T., Thushara, V. T., & Krishnan, J. M. (2024). Statistics-Based Design of Experimental Framework to Formulate Ternary RAP Binder Blends. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 36(3), 4023638. https://doi.org/10.1061/JMCEE7.MTENG-16503
Thushara V. T., and Murali Krishnan J., "Investigation of the fatigue response of bituminous mixtures with aggregate gradation following particle packing approaches", Review in progress Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements
International Conferences:
Thushara, V. T., Manasa, G. K., and Murali Krishnan J Estimation of Volumetric Parameters for Different Classes of Bituminous Mixtures Based on Compressible Packing Theory. In Airfield and Highway Pavements 2023 (pp. 1-9). https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784484913.001
Behera, A and Thushara V T (2023), "Investigation on Relaxation Characteristics of the Emulsified Cold Recycled Mixture and Hot Mix Asphalt", accepted for publication in the proceedings of Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction, AM3P 2022, HongKong
Thirumalavenkatesh, M., and Thushara, V. T. (2021), "Influence of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) Aggregate Fraction on the Determination of Active Binder Content", In Airfield and Highway Pavements, American Society of Civil Engineering, pp. 147-154, https://doi.org/10.1061/9780784483510.014 .
Thushara, V. T., Uma Chakkoth and Murali Krishnan, J (2021), "Characterization of aggregate packing using digital image analysis", International Symposium on Frontiers of Road and Airport Engineering, Delft, ISBN 9781003251125.
Thirumalavenkatesh, M., Thushara V. T. and Murali Krishnan J. (2020) "Rejuvenation of reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) binder appealing to design of experiments", In Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction, Texas Austin, pp. 364-367, CRC Press.
Sudhakar, S., Thushara, V.T., Murali Krishnan, J. and Subramanian, S. C. (2020) "Workability quantification of bituminous mixtures using an improved workability meter", In Advances in Materials and Pavement Performance Prediction, Texas Austin, pp. 359-363, CRC Press
Thushara, V. T. and Murali Krishnan, J. (2020), "Quantification of Compactability of Bituminous Mixtures with Different Aggregate Gradations using Superpave Gyratory Compactor and ShearBox Compactor", RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials, Lyon.
Thushara, V. T. and Murali Krishnan, J. (2020) "Permanent Deformation Characterisation of Gap-Graded and Continuous Graded Aggregate Blends for Bituminous Mixtures", 9 th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements, Zurich, pp. 493-505, Springer, URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-48679-2_47 2.
Thushara V. T and Murali Krishnan, J (2011). "Influence of the Viscoelastic Behaviour of Asphalt Mixtures on the stress - Strain Response of Asphalt Pavements", Proceedings of International Conference of Modelling and Simulation in Civil Engineering, ICMSC, India.
Thushara V. T. and Murali Krishnan, J. (2009), "An Integrated Approach to Modeling Rutting of Flexible Pavements", 7 th RILEM International Symposium on Advanced testing and characterization of bituminous materials , Greece, pp:999-1008.
Thushara V. T. and Murali Krishnan, J. (2008), "Finite Element Analysis of Residual Strain Accumulation in Flexible Pavements", Geotropica, International Conference on Geotechnical and Highway Engineering, Malaysia,
Chowdary, V., Thushara, V. T., Asif, K.A. and Murali Krishnan J (2007), "Experimental Verification of Evolution of Internal Structure of Asphalt andModified Asphalt." A104, 4th International SIIV Congress, Palermo, Italy.
Other professional activities, such as workshops, seminars, and consultations:
Coordinated one week Faculty Development Programme on "Unveiling the latest advancements in material characterisation for Civil Engineering", during 4/12/23-8/12/23 sponsored by the Directorate of Technical Education.
Principal Investigator for the research project "Development of mix design methodology for Full Depth Reclamation projects with cement and emulsion as stabilizers (TRC23-CET-RP2), sponsored by Transportation Research Centre, DTE Kerala.
Delivered expert talk on the two weeks workshop on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement, sponsored by AICTE-ATAL during 09/01/23 to 20/01/23 on the topic "Rheology of Bituminous Mixtures".
Received best paper award for the paper titled "Design of Aggregate Gradation of Bituminous Mixtures using Particle Packing Models and Implications on Constructability, Material Characterisation and Laboratory Distress Measurements" for the International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems (IMPACTS 2023) organised by College of Engineering Trivandrum, NITC and NATPAC.
Coordinated two weeks workshop on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement, sponsored by AICTE-ATAL during 09/01/23 to 20/01/23.
Delivered two expert talks on the two weeks workshop on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement, sponsored by AICTE-ATAL during 09/01/23 to 20/01/23.
Associated with the project "Selection of optimal aggregate gradation for Indian Highways", funded by M/s VR Techniche Consultants Private Limited, New Delhi during 2019-2020.
Associated with the project, "Reclaimed asphalt pavement mix design of bituminous concrete Grade -2 with and without rejuvenator", funded by M/s Cube Highways and Transportation Asset Advisors Pvt Ltd, New Delhi during 2020-2021.
Co-Principal Investigator for the research project "Evaluation of thin bituminous pavement surfaces appropriate for Low Volume Road (LVR) application (p-256-379/C), sponsored by National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (NRIDA)
Served as an Invited member for Two-Day Workshop on "Full Depth Reclamation Technology" on 04/05/2023-05/05/2023 organised by KSCSTE-National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC) and Kerala Infrastructure Investment Fund Board (KIIFB).
Got invitation to deliver an expert talk for a three-day workshop on "Application of RAP materials for Sustainable pavement construction in Kerala", scheduled from 24/07/23- 26/07/2023, organised by Kerala Highway Research Institute.
Has served as reviewer for International Journals such as International Journal for Pavement Engineering and Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India): Series A
Has served as reviewer for different International conferences organised by Government Colleges in Kerala
Co-ordinated a course on "Ongoing Infrastructure Projects in Kerala - An Overview", organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Government Engineering College Barton Hill from 01/02/2017 to 03/02/2017, sponsored by TEQIP II.
Co-ordinated "Technology workshop for Engineering Students" from 25/08/2016 to 27/08/2016, sponsored by TEQIP.
Attended nearly 20 Faculty Development Programmes each of one-week duration, sponsored by AICTE, DTE, GIAN etc.
Other Responsibilities held:
Chief examiner and additional examiner in Kerala University, Kerala Technological University and Calicut University for Undergraduate Engineering examinations
Expert member for different interview panels of Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Member of the Vidyalaya Management Committee, Kendriya Vidyalaya Pattom, Trivandrum
Member of UG and PG NBA Accreditation committee of GECBH, CET
Student Tutor for various B. Tech batches 2012, 2016 and 2021 admission batches in GECTCR, GECBH and CET
Lab in charge of Transportation Engineering Lab in GECTCR, GECBH and CET
Resident Tutor of Ladies hostel, College of Engineering Trivandrum from 2021
Member of Collaborative Research and Learning Centre (CORaL), Directorate of Technical Education, Working Group at College of Engineering Trivandrum from 2023
Member of Civil Department Purchase Committee, College of Engineering Trivandrum from 2021.
Faculty coordinator for Industrial visits, remedial classes
Supervisor of various undergraduate and graduate Civil Engineering Projects
TRC Co-coordinator
Other Academic Activities
- Secured 6 th rank for B.Tech in Civil Engineering under Kerala University 2002-2006
- Secured 68 th rank at National level for Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) Examination 2006
Projects Undertaken
Principal Investigator for the research project "Development of mix design methodology for Full Depth Reclamation projects with cement and emulsion as stabilizers (TRC23-CET-RP2), sponsored by Transportation Research Centre, DTE Kerala.
Co-Principal Investigator for the research project "Evaluation of thin bituminous pavement surfaces appropriate for Low Volume Road (LVR) application (p-256-379/C), sponsored by National Rural Infrastructure Development Agency (NRIDA)
Received best paper award for the paper titled "Design of Aggregate Gradation of Bituminous Mixtures using Particle Packing Models and Implications on Constructability, Material Characterisation and Laboratory Distress Measurements" for the International Conference on Innovative Methods and Practical Applications for Cognizant Transportation Systems (IMPACTS 2023) organised by College of Engineering Trivandrum, NITC and NATPAC.
Courses Co-ordinated
Coordinated two weeks workshop on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement, sponsored by AICTE-ATAL during 09/01/23 to 20/01/23.
Coordinated one week Faculty Development Programme on "Unveiling the latest advancements in material characterisation for Civil Engineering", during 4/12/23-8/12/23 sponsored by the Directorate of Technical Education.
External Talks
Delivered expert talk on the two weeks workshop on Design and Production of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement Mixtures: A step towards sustainable green pavement, sponsored by AICTE-ATAL during 09/01/23 to 20/01/23 on the topic "Rheology of Bituminous Mixtures"
Delivered expert talks for the workshop "Balanced Mix Design: Enhancing Performance and Sustainability in Indian Bituminous Mixtures" on 10/06/24 and 11/06/24, organised by Kerala Highway Research Institute.
Delivered expert talks for the workshop "Application of RAP materials for Sustainable pavement construction in Kerala", scheduled from 24/07/23- 26/07/2023, organised by Kerala Highway Research Institute.
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