
Vandana R. K.
Associaate Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering
- M.Tech in Offshore Structures
- Ph.D in Structural Engineering
p> Previous Experience/Positions held
- Teaching experience in SNG College of Engineering as Asst. Professor for 4 years
- Teaching experience for 18 years
Areas of Interest:
- Experimental Research in RCC and Composites
- Mechanics
- Earthquake Resistant Design
Courses Handled
- Engineering Mechanics
- Computer programming and computational methods
- Theory of Structures
- Disaster Management
- Mechanics of Solids
- Advanced Mechanics of Solids
- Structural Analysis I
- Structural Analysis II
- Structural Analysis III
- Design of Concrete Structures
- Finite Element Method
- Theory of Elasticity
- Theory of Plasticity
International Journals
Vandana RK, Bindhu KR (2024): Seismic Behaviour of reinforced concrete interior beam column connections with proposed reinforcement details, International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 15(1): 1-25.
Vandana R K, Bindhu KR & Baiju KV (2018): Probabilistic Model for Shear Strength of RC Interior Beam Column Joints, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, DOI: 10.1080/13632469.2018.1495135
Vandana, R.K. and Bindhu, K.R.(2017),'Influence of geometric and material characteristics on the behaviour of reinforced concrete beam-column connections', Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 44 (5): 377-386. DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2016-0247.
Vandana, R.K. and Bindhu, K.R. (2017),'A new model for failure mode of reinforced concrete interior beam column joints under seismic loading', Asian Journal of Civil Engineering (BHRC), 18 (2): 235-253 .
Vandana, R.K. and Bindhu, K.R. (2014), 'RCC interior beam column joints under reversed cyclic loading State of the Art', International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research , 5 (7): 519-526.
International Publication (Monograph)
Vandana, R.K. and Bindhu, K.R.(2014). Matsagar, V(ed) Statistical failure mode models for the design of RC interior beam column sub-assemblages. Academic Reference Series: Advances in Structural Engineering, Volume 4 , Pages: 2969-2984, Bloomsbury, India.
National Journals
Bindhu, K. R.,Vysakh, V. and Vandana, R.K. 'Behaviour of RC interior beam column joints with diagonal bars under reverse cyclic loading'. Journal of Structural Engineering, SERC, Chennai, 44 (5) pp 459-465.
International Conference Attended
Statistical failure mode models for the design of RC interior beam column sub-assemblages', Structural Engineering Convention, IIT Delhi, 2014.
RCC interior beam column joints under reversed cyclic loading State of the Art', International Conference on Materials, Mechanics and Management, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, 2014.
Other Responsibilities held:
- Staff Advisor, UG (2007-2011)
- Staff Advisor, UG (2017-2021)
- Staff Advisor, PG (2023-2025)
- Staff in Charge, time table
- Staff in Charge, Department Library,
- Member of Women Cell CET
- Department representative, PTA
- Member of Exam Cell
- Member, Committee for CET as an Autonomous Institition
- Department representative, Placement Cell of CET (2021-2023)
- Member of various committees for UG and PG accreditations.
- Lab in Charge: Computational lab
Other Academic Activities
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