
Yashida Nadir
Department of Civil Engineering
College of Engineering Trivandrum
Office Phone: 0471
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering from Kerala University (TKMCE Kollam)
- M.Tech in Structural Engineering from Kerala University (TKMCE Kollam)
- Ph.D in Civil Engineering from National Institute of Technology (NIT) Calicut
Previous Experience/Positions held
- Joined Govt. Service on 01/06/2006
Areas of Interest:
- Cementitious Composites
- Composite Materials and Structures
- Strengthening/Retrofitting of Structures
- Geopolymer Materials
- FRP structures
Courses Handled
- All subjects assigned from the department.
- Theory of Plates and Shells
- Advanced Mechanics of Materials
- Structural Analysis I
- Structural Analysis II
- Basic Civil Engineering
Digital Identifiers:
International Journals:
Shaise K.John , Yashida Nadir , Alessio Cascardi (2024) Experimental investigation and design-oriented model for concrete column confined with textile reinforced geopolymer composites, Engineering Structures, DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2023.117152, Elsevier Publications
Shaise K. John, Yashida Nadir, N.K. Safwan , P.C. Swaliha, K. Sreelakshmi, Vybhav A. Nambiar (2023) Tensile and bond behaviour of basalt and glass textile reinforced geopolymer composites, Journal of Building Engineering, Volume 72, 1 August 2023, 106540, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106540 , Elsevier Publications
Shaise K.John , Yashida Nadir , Alessio Cascardi , M. Muhammed Arif , K. Girija (2023) Effect of addition of nanoclay and SBR latex on fly ash-slag geopolymer mortar, Journal of Building Engineering , volume 66, 1 May 2023, 105875, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jobe.2023.105875 , Elsevier Publications
Senthil P. Mathew, Sujatha A, Yashida Nadir (2022) Bond strength properties of confined and unconfined coconut shell aggregate concrete by beam splice test, Sustainability Agri Food and Environmental Research 10(1):10, DOI: 10.7770/safer-V10N1-art245
Jawed Qureshi, Yashida Nadir, Shaise K John (2021), Cyclic Response of Bolted and Hybrid Pultruded FRP Beam-Column Joints between I-Shaped Sections, Fibers 9 (11), 66, https://doi.org/10.3390/fib9110066 , MDPI Publications
Shaise K. John, Alessio Cascardi ,Yashida Nadir ,Maria Antonietta Aiello , K. Girija (2021) A New Artificial Neural Network Model for the Prediction of the Effect of Molar Ratios on Compressive Strength of Fly Ash-Slag Geopolymer Mortar, Advances in Civil Engineering, Volume 2021, Article ID 6662347, https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6662347 , Hindawi Publications
Manjusha Muraleedharan, Yashida Nadir (2021) Factors affecting the mechanical properties and microstructure of geopolymers from red mud and granite waste powder: A review, Ceramics International, Available online 3 February 2021, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2021.02.009 , Elsevier Publications
Shaise K.John, Yashida Nadir, K.Girija (2021) Effect of source materials, additives on the mechanical properties and durability of fly ash and fly ash-slag geopolymer mortar: A review, Construction and Building Materials, Volume 280, 19 April 2021, 122443, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.122443 , Elsevier Publications
Manjusha Muraleedharan, Yashida Nadir (2020),Geopolymer mortar integrated with phase change materials for improvement of thermal efficiency in buildings : A review, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier Publications, DOI: 10.1016/j.matpr.2020.10.791
Jawed Qureshi, Yashida Nadir, Shaise K John (2020) Bolted and bonded FRP beam-column joints with semi-rigid end conditions, Composite Structures, 1 September 2020, Article 112500, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compstruct.2020.112500 , Elsevier Publications
Senthil Mathew, Yashida Nadir (2020) Experimental study of thermal properties of concrete with partial replacement of coarse aggregate by coconut shell, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier Publications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.11.249 , 415-420
Shaise K John, Yashida Nadir, Girija K, Giriprasad S (2020) Tensile behaviour of glass fibre textile reinforced mortar with fine aggregate partially replaced by fly ash Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier Publications, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2019.09.135, 144-149
Shaise K John, Yashida Nadir, Girija K (2020) Nonlinear finite element modelling of concrete columns confined with textile reinforced mortar, Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 491:012022, IOP Publishing Ltd, Vol 491
Yashida Nadir, A Sujatha (2018) Bond strength determination between coconut shell aggregate concrete and steel reinforcement by pull-out test , Asian Journal of Civil Engineering, Building and Housing, DOI 10.1007/s42107-018-0060-1, Springer Publications, 19, pages713-723
Yashida Nadir, A Sujatha (2018) Durability properties of coconut shell aggregate concrete, Korean Society of Civil Engineers, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 22 (5), 1920-1926, Springer Publications
Yashida Nadir, Praveen Nagarajan, Mohammed Ameen, Muhammed Arif M (2016) Flexural stiffness and strength enhancement of horizontally glued laminated wood with GFRP and CFRP composite sheets, Construction and Building Materials 112, 547-555, Elsevier Publications
Yashida Nadir, Praveen Nagarajan (2014) The behavior of horizontally glued laminated rubber wood, Construction and Building Materials; 2014, Vol 55, pp. 398-405, Elsevier Publications
Yashida Nadir, Praveen Nagarajan, A J Midhun (2014) Measuring elastic constants of Hevea brasiliensis using compression and Iosipescu shear test, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products; Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2014, Vol 72, pp. 749-758, Springer Publications
Yashida Nadir, Praveen Nagarajan (2013) Experimental investigation of mechanical properties of jointed rubber wood using two types of adhesives, Applied Mechanics and Materials; Transtech Publication, volume 357, Pages 844-853
National Journals:
Yashida Nadir, Praveen Nagarajan, Mohammed Ameen (2018), Numerical modelling of glued laminated wood beams, Journal of Structural Engineering 44 (5), 501-508, CSIR-SERC Madras Publications
International Conferences:
Jawed Qureshi, Yashida Nadir, Shaise K John (2022) Bolted and hybrid beam-column joints between I-shaped FRP profiles, SEMC 2022: The Eighth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, Cape Town, South Africa, 5-7 September 2022
A Sujatha, Senthil P Mathew Yashida Nadir (2021) Bond Strength Properties of Confined and Unconfined Coconut Shell Aggregate Concrete by Beam Splice Test, International Conference on Innovative Trends in Engineering for Sustainability (ICITES-2021), January 9-11, 2021 jointly organized by Toc H Institute of Science & Technology and Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Ukraine. (Won BEST PAPER AWARD)
Jawed Qureshi, Yashida Nadir, Shaise K John (2020) FRP beam-to-column hybrid joints subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading, ICCS23 - 23rd International Conference on Composite Structures & MECHCOMP6 - 6th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, organised by FEUP-Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, 1-4 September 2020
Manjusha Muraleedharan, Yashida Nadir (2020), Geopolymer mortar integrated with phase change materials for improvement of thermal efficiency in buildings : A review, 11th Conference on Materials Processing and Characterization - 2020 (ICMPC 2020) organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering & Metallurgy Engineering and Material Science, Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore), 15-17 Dec 2020.
Senthil P Mathew, Yashida Nadir (2019) Experimental study of thermal properties of concrete with partial replacement of coarse aggregate by coconut shell, International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2019), 12-14 September Belagavl organised by Dept of Mechanical Engg KLE Dr.MS Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka
Shaise K John, Yashida Nadir, Girija K, Giriprasad S (2019) Tensile behaviour of glass fibre textile reinforced mortar with fine aggregate partially replaced by fly ash, International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Manufacturing (ICRAMM 2019), 12-14 September Belagavl organised by Dept of Mechanical Engg KLE Dr.MS Sheshgiri College of Engineering and Technology, Karnataka
Shaise K John, Yashida Nadir, Girija K (2019) Nonlinear finite element modelling of concrete columns confined with textile reinforced mortar, 5th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC 2019) during 11th - 13th December, organized by Department of Civil Engineering, T K M College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala
A Sujatha, Yashida Nadir (2017) Bond strength of coconut shell aggregate concrete by pull-out test, International conference on material, mechanics and management (IMMM 2017), July 13-15, College of Engineering, Trivandrum
National Conferences
Yashida Nadir, Senthil P Mathew (2019) Bond Strength of coconut shell aggregate concrete by beam splice test, 4th Kerala Technological Congress (KETCON 2019), February 15-17, Government Engineering College Trichur
A Sujatha, Yashida Nadir (2017) Durability properties of coconut shell aggregate concrete National conference on concrete structures (NCCS 2017) January 30-31,LBS Institute of Technology for Women, Trivandrum
A Sujatha, Yashida Nadir (2017) Bond performance of coconut shell aggregate concrete National conference on recent advances in civil engineering and technology (REACT 2017), May 24-26, Vidya Academy of Science and Technology, Trissur
A Sujatha, Yashida Nadir (2017) Experimental study on bond strength and durability properties of coconut shell aggregate concrete, National conference on technical trends (NCTT 2017), College of Engineering Trivandrum
Yashida Nadir, S Suresh, M Sirajuddin (2007), Analytical study of foundation having partial contact with soil, Proceedings of National Conference on Focusing on advances in Civil Engineering (FACE 07), February 1-3, College of Engineering Kollam
Deepa Bose, Sreelakshmi Mohan, Yashida Nadir (2010), An experimental study on the feasibility of recycled aggregate in concrete, Proceedings of National Conference on Recent Innovations in Technology (NCRIT-2010), March 4-6, RIT Kottayam
Book Chapters:
Jawed Qureshi, Yashida Nadir, Shaise K John (2022) Bolted and hybrid beam-column joints between I-shaped FRP profiles, In book: Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems, CRC press, DOI: 10.1201/9781003348450-244
A Sujatha, Yashida Nadir (2019) Bond strength of coconut shell aggregate concrete by pull-out test, In book: Recent Advances in Materials, Mechanics and Management, CRC press, DOI: 10.1201/9781351227544-21
Sponsored Research Projects:
Principal Investigator of Moment Rotation Behaviour of FRP beam to Steel Column Joints, funded by Research Seed Money fund of CERD, APJAKTU Trivandrum for the period 2017-19
Co-Principal Investigator of Strengthening of Concrete Columns using Textile Reinforced Engineering Geo-Polymer Composites, funded by AICTE NDF-RPS Scheme, Govt. of India for the period 2019-23
Principal Investigator of Tensile, Bond strength properties of FRCM, and its Strengthening effects on Structural Elements, Students Project, APJAKTU Trivandrum, 2022
Principal Investigator of Proposed Design Guidelines for Hybrid Joints in FRP Beam to FRP/Steel Column funded by SERB under DST (POWER research grant scheme), Govt. of India for the period of 2022-25, File No: SPG/2021/004296
Other Responsibilities held:
- Coordinator of FDP-Short term training programme organised by Department of Civil Engineering , College of Engineering Trivandrum
- Health Monitoring of RCC/Steel Structures, November 21-26, 2016, sponsored by DTE, Trivandrum, Kerala
- Semi-destructive and Non-destructive Testing of Structures , January 16-21, 2017, sponsored by DTE, Trivandrum, Kerala
- Advances in NDT methods for Flaw detection, July 9-13, 2018, sponsored by DTE, Trivandrum, Kerala
- Guiding 3 PhD students registered at APJAKTU Trivandrum, Department of Civil Engineering , College of Engineering Trivandrum
- Shaise K John (2018-2024), Textile Reinforced Geopolymer Composite for Strengthening Concrete Columns, Thesis submitted
- Manjusha Muraleedharan (2019), Studies on Textile Reinforced Sandwich Panels using Red-Mud Based Geopolymer Composite, Ongoing
- Ajith Mathew (2022), Monotonic and Cyclic Behaviour of FRP Beam-to-Column Joints, Ongoing
Other Academic Activities
- Staff advisor of 2016-2020 Civil Engineering Batch
- Associate Dean (Dean Research Office) in the Office of Dean Research, CET
- Member of Campus beautification and Green Protocol Committee, CET
- Member of Construction Monitoring Committee, CET
- Lab-in-charge of Concrete Lab of Civil Department from 2018-2022
- Member of Professional Society: ISTE, ISNT, Staff in charge of ISNT student chapter CET
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